What is selling? Most everyone who has ever been in sales already knows that you never know what is going to happen in a normal sales day. In fact, there is no such thing as a normal sales day.� The truth is that selling always has a challenge and everyday is a unique one.No two sales people sell the same way and no two prospects handle the sales program the exact same way. This is why role play and sales training is so important. This gets us ready for real selling.The selling process should be�fun for you. If it is not fun, it will not be�worth it in the long run. I enjoy selling because it requires almost no start up capital and it offers high income potential.As you learn how to shrpen your sales skills, you will learn how to close more deals. The field of sales allows you to grow on a personal level as well as a sales skill way.In sales no one limits your growth but you. Tom Hopkins, one of the greatest sales trainers in the world today tells us that if we want to earn more we need to learn more and I find this very true. I read books on sales and marketing and try different things in my business to get better results.You can break sales down into the following: Prospecting, that is finding the clients. This step might be face to face or by using marketing or both. Contact, the act of setting up the appointment for the sale. Qualification, that is the art of makeing sure the prospect can use and is qualified to purchase your product. Presentation, which is the art or skill of showing them what you have to offer and why they should use it. Objections, that is...getting the prospects questions answered and their objections put to rest forever so you can enter the next step which is called the close.When you go for the close you are wanting the prospect to buy or try your product or service. Sometimes during the close you must reanswer an objection and go for the close once more. We have a saying, it's called ABC - that is Always Be Closing. Closing is a good thing isn't it? You would like to close every sales isn't that right? If there was a way to show you how to close more sales you would want to know about it wouldn't you?Yes, I think you will agree, it is fun to go for the close.
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