Show me a successful salesperson and I will show you how clear he/she is of the features, advantages and benefits of the products he/she sells and how that has contributed to his/her success. This clarity not only helps in understanding customers better but also in communicating the value of our product to customers and thus getting more sales.Let's look at the definitions:FEATURE: A fact or a characteristic of a product.ADVANTAGE: Something that makes your product better than that of your competitor product or a substitute product.BENEFIT: What the customer is looking for [needs/wants] or something that will help your customer in getting the job done, easier or better or faster.When yourproduct has different features in comparison to your competitor, you can make your clients aware of the advantage of your products feature to your competitor products feature and get the sale.When products have similar features, the sales person who can help the customer in seeing the value in the features better will get the sale. When you help your customer in seeing the value in your product features, he is sold out not only on your product but also on you.You product may have several features and you may feel that all of them will interest your customer, but the fact is that every customer is different and you should pick the features that will interest them the most. It's important to find out what's important to your customer.During the course of your conversation with your prospect, as you uncover the needs you should ask yourself 'What feature of my product fulfills that need?' And to find what will interest them the most ask them the question 'What's important to you in a [product]?' The answer they give, will give you the clue to what feature you should present to your customer. So rather that mentioning all the features, just mention the features that are important to the customer.Once you have found the feature that's important to your customer, describe the feature of your product or the advantage your product has over the competition and tell your customer what it means to him and how it impacts and benefits him. Show your customer how the feature helps him get what he/she is actually looking for. By connecting the feature with the benefit your customer is looking for, you can close more deals and increase your commission.Make sure you mention the feature, advantage and benefit in a natural flow of your conversation. Let it become a part of your normal way of talking to your customers.As you use continue to mention relevant features and the benefits to your customers, you will be able to make your customer to see the value in your product, quickly and easily and as a result close more sales.When you close the sale, you should remind your customer all the features, advantages and benefits that he liked or considered important to make him a long team and loyal customer.
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