Sales and lead conversions are essential if you want your business to grow, but it will be tough to do this if deep down you believe that sales is bad or evil! There are ways to sell ethically, responsibly and with class and style! Here are some simple tips for small business owners who loathe sales and selling.1. Listen!
When you set your own needs aside and listen an amazing rapport can develop between you and your customers. Ask them questions, genuinely listen and reflect and then ask a few more!Build up a clear picture of your customer and what they are really saying to you. Once they have finished speaking, re-clarify what they have said and check your understanding.2. Know Your Proucts
If you don't know your products and services really well or you fail to match your customers' needs to your products effectively, then you will fall down under the heat of a few probing questions and you could lose the sale.Now you have understood your customer's particular wants and needs you should be able to run through the products or services that would best suit them based on what they have just told you. Explain the benefits of the product or service specifically for them. Avoid generalisation and remember that you are serving an individual and working to solve their individual needs. If you do this, you are already 90% of the way towards a customer purchase.Generally people are looking for reasons to buy, so if you just create a compelling argument, provide clear responses and cover all their questions adequately, your customer will open their purse or pocketbook and buy! Make it easy for them to make that positive decision.3. Tell a story
Provide a case study or recount a real life event relating to another of your customers and your product or service.People like to know about the buying decisions and buying patterns of others, so tell them how your product has helped Mrs Jones of Norfolk, East Anglia or Mr Smith of Fulham, London. How did s/he feel about that? What is s/he doing with the product now?And, now this is very important, so take note:
How has the product or service made life better, easier, more pleasant or more productive for those customers that have purchased it?Ultimately you must always remember that you sell a solution to a problem. Understand what problems your products or services really solve and you will have reached the very core of the sales conversation and this is about meeting your customers key need. Combine storytelling (point 3) and listening (point 1) for maximum overall impact.4. Avoid the 'hard sell'
Be real. Let your customers see you as a professional, but also as a human being. Speak plainly, be honest and cultivate trust. Steer clear of the grand gestures and outrageous claims that send people running. Simply explain how you know that your products work (see point 2) and which would you recommend to them having understood their needs (see point 1).5. Speak from the heart
Do you speak with passion enthusiasm and commitment about what you do? If not, go back to basics and revisit your vision or business plan or remind yourself about why you are doing what you are doing to get yourself fired up again! Alternatively recruit someone who can sell your product or service with the enthusiasm and energy required, because if you're not 'into' the thing that you are selling, no one else will be!On the other hand when you are passionate and authentic, people will be drawn to both you and to what you are selling and they will buy.6. ABC! (Always be closing)
Now, I hope you are starting to think 'I can do this!' And by the way, you are absolutely right, yes you can!You need to continually be working towards the sale and gaining agreement and commitment from your customer. This is what will build the momentum for the closure of the deal. This is something that all competent sales people do and here is a way for you to do it naturally.? Simply reconfirm what has been discussed. Cover what the customer needs and why, the products or services which match these requirements and why they are a good fit (make sure they are), remind the customer who else has bought the same thing and relate the conversation to a similar customer with a similar need remembering to describe how much they love and value the product
? Remember to stop and check for agreement at each stage (see point 1)
? Confirm dates, times, prices, fees, rates etc as is relevant to your field. Remember to mention any discounts or offers that are available to sweeten the deal
? Ask the customer if they are happy with what has been discussed and ask if they are ready to go ahead with the purchase
? If no, ask why and listen very carefully. Cover any questions and concerns as thoroughly as you can and ask if they are now happy to go ahead
? If no, listen again and if it is a matter of time-scales, take down contact details and agree a follow up date (which you will diarise.) Take on board any other feedback that you receiveYou should have your sale at this stage and if you don't you will have projected an image of a professional, level headed individual that knows their product well and was pleasant to liaise with.Remember that this is important and even if the customer does not buy today, they will be open to buying from you in future. They may tell others about your great customer service and make referrals to people that they know.That wasn't too painful, now was it?
Original :: but i hate sales 6 vital steps to follow
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