Easy. Right? Really think so? If all sales people were adept at asking for their customers business and succeeding their pay checks would be massive, unfortunately the reverse is true very few sales people have the courage to get out front and center and ask their customer for the business and for referrals.How often have you actually asked your customer for their business? How often have you just fallen into a sale? The latter is true with the greater majority of sales people, and you will often hear them recite the following mantra "Sales is a numbers game, win some lose some." Wouldn't it be better if every customer you saw turned into a sale? What would your pay check look like now?Iteresting, when you realize that a customer contrary to popular belief amongst sales people is not there to waste your time, rather they are looking for some one to assist them in finding a solution to a problem or to satisfy a need that they have. For the customer this is a stress full event which raises the fight or flight syndrome which is part of our evolution, so an adversarial or timid approach is often portrayed by the customer, they are crying out for help, you as the sales person are there to assist and have to know when to keep momentum going and when to ease up.You have to decide with the customer's assistance when to get the customer to take the action step and sign on the dotted line, or do some action that will take them closer to consummating the sale.End each strategic question with asking for an action, it could be a simple or a complex action, you still have to direct the customer to actually do it. Get into the habit of asking for an action step, at every opportunity till you feel it is the time to ask the customer for their business. If you do not ask you will not receive. This saying is over two thousand years old and is found in one of the greatest books ever written the Bible.Tip: Ask and you will receive.If you do not ask for the business, the customer will walk, and you will miss out on making the sale, instead your competition will reap the rewards of all your hard work as the customer will just walk in and buy, as they now know thanks to you how to meet their needs. This is played out across the world in the field of sales, often frustrating sales people desperate to make a sale to meet quota.Make asking for the business your master step in keeping momentum.
Original :: asking for the sale the art of closing
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