In today's society, most people try to get by with what they have to do. I think this is being gracious. In fact, most people will give you the bare minimum. Today's employees expect to be paid inordinate amounts of money for producing the least work. This is why we see so many jobs going overseas and Americans losing jobs due to outsourcing. Our laziness is making other people more money.I hope to change this travesty. I believe that we all want to do an incredible job and be recognized for it in many different ways such as:A pat on the back
A thank you: verbally, an email, a voice mail or hand written note.
More responsibility
More money
A promotionPeople aren't given this type of rcognition without living the "Extra Mile" Principle. The "Extra Mile" Principle is very simple to understand. Don't expect extra without giving extra. That is the "Extra Mile" Principle in a nut shell.The problem is that most people don't understand PROI (Personal Return On Investment) for going the "Extra Mile". Everyone is looking for instant gratification and not realizing that anything worth something doesn't come without sweat equity and time. We want our fifteen minutes of fame without earning it. With the emergence of technology like the Internet, people can become famous overnight. I believe that these phenomenons are misleading. They may be famous, but that doesn't mean they will earn any extra.Use the "Extra Mile" Principle against your competition. See what they are doing and then to a little extra. That little extra will be noticed and talked about by others. The extra exposure is the type of advertising you need to place you into a position to succeed. When you begin to add the little extra you do to being ordinary, then you become extraordinary. That is what the "Extra" will do for you.The people that go the "Extra Mile" long term tend to make extra, get recognized extra, are appreciated extra and promoted extra. So the next time you can to something a little extra, do it.Remember, there is little traffic on the "Extra Mile", so drive freely.Article by Tim Scholze
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