Tip: Negotiation is all about trading not giving.This is where average sales people fail, as during this phase they get consumed with closing the sale so that they can chalk another sale up, only to have it fall over, and the excuse they use is "Oh the buyer had buyers remorse..." Oh please, these days there is an excuse for an excuse, c'mon be honest with your self you not the buyer failed as you failed to understand the need and assumed resulting in giving away more than you needed in other words you conceded to the customer and lost control, at this point the customer is left wondering "This sounds too good to be true... and if it does then what is the catch? Am I missing something? AmI being conned?" All this because you as the sales person conceded more than you had to losing control and the sale as a result.Think back to your own experiences as a customer where the sales person has conceded quickly, what have been your thought patterns? Have you gone through and bought from the sales person that has just conceded, or have you had similar thoughts as the customer described in the paragraph above? This is the problem with conceding (giving), rather than trading, when you trade the customer feels that they are getting some value for the concession that they have made, rather than feeling that this is too good to be true they feel rewarded, weird but that is how people think and react.With current affairs and news programs continually portraying sales people as the devil the buying public is wary and skeptical.Try this, go out and give a stranger some help with out any catches, or if you would prefer try this on your own close friends or family, the first question that will lave their lips when you do an act of kindness or generosity is "Why me? What have I done?" or "What is the catch" now if your own friends and family react like that what hope is there for a complete stranger to react any differently? See the problem, so do not give to quickly or more than you need to achieve your objective.Tip: Keep track of what you have given, and only give one at a time.By slowing down it allows you to control the negotiating process and take your customer to the objective in a delighted frame rather than in a questioning frame of mind.
Original :: art of negotiation do not give trade
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