Have you ever wondered how the TOP Sales Performers do it, outperform everyone else - and make it look easy?First we need to look at how the typical Sales person does it. If you have ever worked in Sales you may have noticed that once you reach your sales quota you start to slow down. Maybe it hasn't occurred to you, but you have observed it in the other members within your sales team.She/he could be on a roll for a record week/month, and if they keep it up they could be on track to start on next month's sales quota. Yet their sales slowdown, and at the end of the week/month they make just enough to reach their sales quota?Why do you think this happens?It could be that once they approachetheir sales quote they slot into their comfort zone and avoiding the pain of rejection? What I mean by that is someone will face enough rejection to meet their needs, and then any more than that - is unnecessary pain or rejection.Let's face it, working in sales means you have to face your fare share of No's in order to find the Yes's.So let's say your sales goal for the week is to get in front of 10 prospects to close 2 sales, that's a 20% close ratio.Your typical sales person would stop once they reach their goal of closing their 2 x sales.What if it was Monday and you already had your 2 x sales, there are another 4 days that you will just waist doing stuff.A top Sales Performer may think about this completely differently, as well as having a goal for 2 x Yes's -they also had a goal for 8 x No's.What do you think would happen to their sales?Instead of slowing down once they reached their 2 x Yes's - they keep going until they reached their 8 x No's goal for the week. By focusing on the No's the Yes's take care of them selves, and by continuing with the prospecting they are sure to find another sale.You see - there is a direct relationship between Success and Failure or in this case Yes's and No's.In order to SUCCEED more you need to be prepared to FAIL more.Or put another way, in order to receive more Yes's you need to be prepared to receive more No's.It's a bit like panning for Gold, image for a moment that we are in the old Gold rush days.You don't actually look for the Gold, what you really do is remove the stones & rubble and the Gold is what is left over once the rubble has been removed.So you sift through the No's (rubble) as quickly as possible, and the Yes's (Gold) is what's left over.
Original :: discover a secret on how the top sales
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