Any successful marketer will tell you that two of the most important tenants of a successful business are "Buy Low Sell High" and make sure that you only inventory product that is in demand and will resell fairly quickly. In the online book business the first is easy because you can usually purchase books any day of the week. There are many sources such as library book sales, estate sales, garage sales, thrift stores and others. You can bring home a trunk load of books many times for a dollar or less each.This benefit of the first tenant can be a problem in the building of inventory. Because books can be purchased so cheaply there is always the danger of buying stock that does not sell. Wen you do this you become a book collector instead of a book seller. This is fine if collecting is your goal. However to pay the bills those books will need to be sold. Book selling is a field where you need to do your research in order to be successful. Lets consider some books that are questionable at best as salable inventory.Current biographies about movie stars and current political figures are usually a bad prospect. Current fiction is another bad choice. These usually fall out of favor quickly and many titles now are being published in electronic form making the printed versions less popular. Literature can be very difficult unless you are knowledgeable in the field.Remember that old does not automatically mean valuable. While there are gems in those older books many while interesting simply because of their age just do not sell. While text books can be a very good choice you need to be careful here. Many sociology and political science texts can flood the market and make them useless for resale.Study guides and computer books lose their value quickly. While many how to books can be good choices computer books about programs that are outdated are usually worthless. Contrary to what many might believe many of the Time-Life type books will not sell. Readers digest and most National Geographic titles along with many sports and coffee table books usually will just clutter up your inventory. As with anything though there are exceptions to the rule. Again this is why research will make or break an online book business.Most cookbooks and baking books are usually not good choices. But if you were to specialize in this field and keep up to date on what is in demand many of these could be good choices. Romance novels and most paper backs will be poor choices. There are others that should be avoided but only research and experience will give you the knowledge needed to succeed in this exciting field. Remember that even if you don't succeed in finding a treasure while searching, every hunt is like searching for gold and you never know when you will hit the "mother lode".
Original :: what are the worst books to sell online
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