Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Focus on the WIIFT for a Powerful Presentation

A while back I had the opportunity to work for nearly two days with the best-of-the-best sales pros in a client company. We spent our time together focused on taking their game up another notch with a workshop titled "Powerful Presentations." One thing I noted is that really successful people generally are very open to new ideas and skills that will allow them to be even more successful!A key idea I shared in this workshop was that our sales presentations are more powerful when we focus on WIIFT - What's in it for Them - from the open of the presentation through the close.To engage your audience, it's incredibly important to tie the message about YOU into what it means to THEM. Who wantso listen to 10 or 15 minutes of background on the speaker and their company? Do you really care if they have been in business for over 75 years? About three minutes into the "background" about you, they have disengaged - you can see it in their body language. Instead, focus on WHY it is beneficial to them that your company has been in business so long. Will it mean a better product? Or more expertise that will solve a problem for them?Initially there were some skeptics in the group who weren't sure the WIIFT was THAT important. Until the first practice presentations began and each professional had to sit through all the other presentations. Being on the other side allowed them to feel what its' like to have a lot of information shared AT them and not tied specifically TO them.As we ended the workshop, these successful sales professionals commented that it IS powerful to make our message not about us - but that it is hard to do! The more successful and experienced we are, the harder it may be to do something different. To send a message adapted to our audience, with only enough detail that is important to them and then to link WHAT we do into WIIFT statements is not easy. But it is worth the effort for an engaged audience!How much effort does it take to link the WHAT of your message to the WIIFT? Post your comments and let the rest us know we are not alone!

Original :: Focus on the WIIFT for a Powerful Presentation

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Interview With Suzanne Paling Author of The Accidental Sales Manager

Suzanne Paling is the principal and founder of Sales Management Services. She has over twenty years of experience in sales consulting, sales management, and sales for both field and inside sales organizations. Ms. Paling founded Sales Management Services in 1998 to provide practical advice to business executives, owners, and entrepreneurs seeking to increase their revenue and improve their sales organization's performance.About your book:1) Let's begin by talking about your book, The Accidental Sales Manager. What's the idea behind the book? Why did you write it?In my consulting practice I work with presidents of small companies. Most manage the sales force. None have any formal sales exprience. Not one of them wants the responsibility of overseeing sales. When I first started my consulting practice in 1998 and had worked with 3 or 4 presidents, I began to notice the common frustrations they all experienced as they attempted to hire and train new salespeople as well as run the sales effort. The book addresses the 15 or so mistakes that these otherwise intelligent, hardworking executives make with the sales force.2) In a short sentence, who should read your book? What kind of advice should they be looking for?Any executive who finds themselves "accidentally" managing the sales department and doesn't have the training or experience to do so. Most commonly, this would be the president of the company, though sometimes other executives take on the job. They should be looking for budget-friendly advice about what salespeople (especially newly hired salespeople) need to do their job effectively. As well, the book offers tips, forms, templates and checklists to guide them as they make the changes I suggest.3) On the other hand, who shouldn't? What will readers NOT find in your book?This book is not for a sales manager working for a large corporation. Bigger companies have a training program, protocol, systems and processes in place that they will need to follow.Readers will not find a long-winded philosophical treatise on sales management. I don't analyze and question every aspect of the subject. The advice I give in the book is straightforward, practical and actionable.4) What's the first thing someone should do after reading your book?If they're hiring a new salesperson, they should put together a schedule for the rep's first 2-3 weeks. Have them work with an employee in every department in the company - at least for a brief period of time. During these 2 weeks, make sure the rep learns how to use the sales software, give a product demonstration and can answer most customer questions before they start calling on customers.As far as the current sales staff goes, they should create a sales reporting system including a productivity report, pipeline report and sales forecast at the very least. Manage the effort. Make sure that the reps are turning in good quality reports on a regular basis.About your preferences:5) Besides your own website, what other sales websites would you recommend?- - www.salestrainingcamp.com6) How about your preferred sales/business books?Stop Telling Start Selling by Linda Richardson Ask Questions Get Sales by Stephan Schiffman Selling to VITO by Anthony Parinello Coaching Salespeople into Sales Champions by Keith RosenAbout you:7) How did you get started in sales?I started my sales career in HBA. I covered the New England states (Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Vermont, Maine and New Hampshire) for a perfume company.8) Most memorable sale?The perfume company I was working for designed a display piece containing perfume, lotion, and body powder. I thought it would be ideal for a large customer of mine in Maine. I presented it to them and they turned the idea down flat. I couldn't believe it. Several hours after the sales meeting, I gave the buyer a call. I told him I thought the display piece was tailor made for their stores and that I was stunned when he said no to the proposal. He agreed and ended up buying display pieces for almost every store. It was a good lesson in never giving up.9) Most disastrous sale (or funny situation)?For years, I called on an independent department store. The buyer loved my product and placed large orders. It just so happened that I really liked the clothes they sold. One day I arrived a little bit early to do some shopping before meeting with the buyer. I purchased several outfits. During our meeting the buyer placed an uncharacteristically low order. I was surprised and disappointed. When I got home and looked at my receipt, I realized I'd spent more in clothes at their store than they purchased from me. It was unbelievable.About your work as a sales expert:10) What is the biggest mistake you see as a sales expert?Salespeople talk too much and don't ask enough questions.11) What is the best sales advice you have ever received?Keep your questions open ended (can't be answered with a yes or no). Ex: Do you like our product? (closed) versus What are your impressions of our product so far? (open).12) What are you working on right now that makes you feel energized? What's your next big project?Several of my clients are ready to hire again and that's very motivating to me. Right now I'm helping one client hire their first dedicated sales rep and another hire their first sales manager. Both of these clients have realized the revenue growth to justify these newly created positions. I'm honored that they asked me to help them.13) What is the best testimonial/comment you have ever received?Whenever a client tells me that I've made their professional lives less stressful by helping them to create a more organized and structured sales environment it really makes my day. That's why I do what I do.To know more about Suzanne Paling, author of The Accidental Sales Manager, please visit

Original :: Interview With Suzanne Paling Author of The Accidental Sales Manager

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Training New Pharmaceutical Sales Rep 2 Main Focus Areas

I am going to skip the hype and myth about training new pharmaceutical sales rep, and go straight to two main focus areas. This is not to say these two areas are all trainers need to focus at but focusing on them will create significant difference in their mindset and performance eventually. I am not recommending this based on assumption but there is a strong research to back it up.The first focus area is creativity.Creativity is defined as going as far as you can with all that you have got. In the current marketing environment where budget is scarce and getting thinner every day, making the most out of available resource is the best course of action. But it is not enough to tell salesperon that they have to make do with what available.They need to be shown the way.There are many creative thinking courses available. One important consideration when choosing them is to consider its practicality. Yes, creativity sounds a tad too idealistic but there is a practical part for it. Company can sit down and wait for an inspiration to come or they can utilize a creative method to generate hundreds of ideas at will.The second focus area is emphasizing on process.There are strong researches to back-up the facts that focusing on results, like focus on closing a sale creates more pressure than any other factors in selling process. Such focus causes a detrimental effect to salesperson, for example, reduction in call rates, low moral and weak performance. This has not changed for the past six decades and unlikely to change if the current pattern persists.The fact that 80 percent of company sales are contributed by 20 percent or less salesperson goes to prove that the traditional strategy for selling is ineffective. Many companies still continue with this model because it is easy to do; not because it is the right thing to do.They think that change is expensive but it seems like not changing is more expensive. My former trainer likes to say, "Change pays but status quo cost!" The 'cost' might not be apparent in the short-term but it will in the long run. Many can change in a blink of an eye but the decision to make that change can take forever.Right now, if you have been through the traditional sales training, I have a quick question: "Has your result been any different today compared to a year ago?" If you look at the answer closely and find there is no significant different, you must know that it is about time for you to change. But of course; deciding to change might take forever.

Original :: Training New Pharmaceutical Sales Rep 2 Main Focus Areas

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Ensuring You Select a Professional Speaker for Your Event

If you check out Google you will find page after page of motivational speakers - so how can you guarantee the quality of your selection?The Certified Speaking Professional designation is an international measure of the standard of professional presentation skills of a speaker. It is granted by the National Speakers Association USA or Australia to those who have met their strict criteria. CSP following a speaker's name is an indication of a speaking professional with proven experience who knows how to deliver customer satisfaction.The worldwide association for speakers is the International Federation for Professional Speakers (IFFPS) and it is made up of professional speaking associationsorldwide. Less than 7% of the speakers who belong to IFFPS are CSPs. It is the international standard that these associations agree represents competence in the speaking profession.Every CSP must:ย� Maintain membership and subscribe to the Code of Professional Ethics ย� Serve a minimum of 15 different clients and present a minimum of 50 professional speaking engagements within 5 years ย� Submit and be assessed on testimonial letters from clients served ย� Submit and be assessed by a Peer review board on their Eloquence, Expertise and Enterprise. ย� Commit to ongoing education in the professional speaking field.A CSP will bring a proven background of continuing speaking experience and expertise and offer a variety of approaches, topics and styles. Only you can determine which speaker will best fit your needs but choosing a CSP will give you peace of mind.Choosing a CSP should ensure a speaker with a message that will enhance the theme of your event, which will remain in the memories of your attendees and inspire them to take action.

Original :: Ensuring You Select a Professional Speaker for Your Event

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sales Training And Goal Setting What Do You Want Out Of This

What Do You Want Out Of This?The old adage, "any road will take you there if you don't know where you are going" rings totally true if you start out in sales without knowing where you want to go. High-end sales can be extremely rewarding both in money and in lifestyle but you won't make it there without a set of defined goals and dreams. If you know where you want to go, or what you want to achieve, it's very easy then to work back from there in defining what's required.You need to be able to answer "What do you want out of this?" to be able to take the next step. The most successful salespeople (and nearly everyone earning above $200k per year) write down their goals. As you may know orre about to find out, the hardest thing in sales is staying motivated and driven to succeed. If you don't know what you are doing sales for, you won't last very long out there as it really is a tough job.This is where having goals comes in. So WHAT DO YOU WANT out of this?* Time with your family thanks to a flexible work schedule? * A bigger salary so you can get a bigger house or more expensive car? * Maybe it's having a higher disposable income so you don't have to worry about spending money whenever you feel like it?Or is it just that you'd like to be the highest earner in your extended family / street / suburb? I know that thanks to selling data communications I achieved all three on that particular list and probably still do despite moving to a much more affluent suburb than where were living three years ago! When you do work out what your 'why' is, you need to write it down. Writing down your goals is the most powerful thing you can do to help achieve them. They will quickly be forgotten otherwise.While you are writing them down, make sure you put a 'by when' date on them too. They must be measurable like "I want to earn $220k this year, ending June 30, 2011" or I want to be earning $17k per month by the end of October this year". These are measurable, saying "I want to be rich this year" is not. Once you've got these written down, and checked that they are measurable, it's time to break them down into 'steps' so that you know what to do next. I know this might seem like basic stuff but it's what will help guarantee you'll earn over $200k per year. Like I said in the sales letter that you read before buying this eBook, I can guarantee you success, as long as you follow what's in this eBook to the letter. Otherwise you're kidding yourself and you'll lose out on what 'could have been'.Breaking down your goals into simple steps is easy and will give you a guide to work from each day to keep you on track. It all comes down to what sort of goal you have and what that goal will require from you to achieve it. If your goal for instance is monetary as well as physical like "by March 2012 I want to be able to run 10km without stopping and will have made $80,000 spare cash in my sales job so that I am fit enough and can cover the costs of climbing Mount Everest in May 2012". Do you see how that's a big goal but it's still measurable? To break that goal down into steps to take each day would require firstly breaking it into three monthly goals such as "each three months I will have made and saved $12,000 commission as well as achieved my monthly fitness goals".Breaking this into monthly goals would be "I will have made an extra $4,000 commission and run a total of 100km". Breaking this down further means earning an extra $200 per day and running 5km every morning. To make an extra $200 per day might mean making an extra 10 sales calls or 2 appointments or sending out an extra 50 sales letters... It all becomes measurable and achievable when you break it down into daily tasks. This is what successful sales and business people do. And this is what I do too.When you have a measurable task to do each day, you can stay on track. And it's easier to go home at night knowing if you've done what you need to do that day or not.Did I get up early and run 5km this morning? Did I make 30 sales calls (the 20 for my target and 10 extra for my goal)? Done!See how easy it is to stay on track now? And you can adapt this to suit any measurable goal. This doesn't just apply to sales either. Use it in your day-to-day life for other goals too and soon enough, you'll be writing new goals because you've achieved the current ones!(C) Rob Alexander 2009

Original :: Sales Training And Goal Setting What Do You Want Out Of This

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Warm Up Cold Calls As If You Were Dialing From the Bahamas

The world of sales is not for everyone. While someone may choose a career path in sales because they consider themselves a "people person," appreciate that every day is challenging and different and value the income potential - which is usually determined by the amount of hard work and effort put into the job - working in sales is sometimes difficult.In today's demanding world, one of the more challenging aspects of the job pertains to cold calling. Due to the icy response most cold callers receive; this practice may be the bane of most sales people's existence. However, cold calling is an essential aspect of the job. Not only does it bring prospects into the funnel, but it also plays a citical role in determining a salesperson's income and keeps co-workers employed.There are numerous ways a salesperson can improve their cold calling skills - beginning with what and how something is stated. A salesperson's voice is an essential and powerful tool, but learning to use it properly is critical to success. The goal with making cold calls is to build competence and confidence when calling because those who are confident do not procrastinate and can shrug off a "no," knowing they will hear "yes" if they keep calling. By smiling, dialing and selling, salespeople increase the chance for success and potential customers are more receptive to the person on the other end of the line.Are you a salesperson looking for additional ways to improve your cold calling techniques? Then, pick up a copy of Linda Bishop's "101 Cold Call Tips" today at

Original :: Warm Up Cold Calls As If You Were Dialing From the Bahamas

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Sales Appointment Training How to Make Your Cold Call Introduction Effective

Use this sales appointment training to make your opening lines effective and easy for the prospect to connect with.I recently received a sales call where the caller wanted to make an appointment for a home improvement specialist (a sales person) to come to my home. After a hurried introduction the caller asked me a question about the age of my windows and other fittings. In her introduction she gave me the name of the company she worked for but I had never heard of them. She also said that they did building work on behalf of the local authority, but this told me nothing about their line of business or what it meant for me. At this point I had nothing to connect with, no point of referencethat linked with my experience. Instead of answering her questions I asked her to explain who her company was and why she was calling me. She had not connected with me or captured my interest and I'm sure all the other prospects she cold called had the same reaction. I was asking questions and that meant she had lost control of the call.A good introduction should include: Who you are, and a reference point that the prospect can quickly relate with. The reference point could be your company's name, your products, or a very brief description of what you do. The key here is that it must be information that connects with something that the prospect already knows so that they quickly understand who you are and what your call relates to. If you are calling from a well known company, or you have a high profile product, the prospect instantly has a point of reference and can relate what they know to your call. If you have a small business, or a unique product or service, the prospect may never have heard of you. You then have to give them something that will register with them.For example: Say you were selling vacuum cleaners, and on your telephone call to make a sales appointment you introduced yourself and said you were from the Spangler company. The prospect may never have heard of Spangler and cannot connect it with anything from their experience. So you have to add a point of reference that connects with them. You could add that you manufacture vacuum cleaners, or tell them how much better than Hoover you are. Both vacuum cleaners and Hoover are common terms that the prospect will quickly make a connection with. They now know what you are talking about.This may sound like common sense and a very basic sales appointment technique. But I have heard many appointment setting calls where 2 minutes into the call the prospect has still not fully grasped who it is that is calling them, or the reason for the call. Make your sales appointment calls effective by adding words, names, and phrases that will connect with your prospects.

Original :: Sales Appointment Training How to Make Your Cold Call Introduction Effective

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Discover the Clouds of Mysteries Surrounding Sales

Discover things which confuse salespeople.Can they draw a distinction between a Sales Process and a Sales System? A Sales Process is the method of processing the sales order. The Sale has already been successfully completed and now the customer's order must be processed. It is paperwork. It's mechanical.A Sales System is quite different. This is the method of getting from the first encounter with a customer to helping that customer make a final decision about purchasing your product or service. Without a clearly defined Sales System there is little need for Sales Processing. This is a science and can be learned.What about turning up late for an appointment?Don't do it! NEVER turn up lateor an appointment, even if you have phoned the client to apologise for running late. You will look and sound unprofessional. The client/s may say they don't mind but they do. You will turn up late and have a reduced length of time to make your presentation. In otherwords you will end up cutting corners. The golden rule is: If you are going to be late then by all means apologise....... but re-appoint.How important is it to talk to the Full Buying Committee?If you are in front of the full buying committee then you are in front of the DECISION MAKERS. If you are not in front of the full buying committee then you are headed for a customer response which will result in procrastination. Always insist on being in front of the full buying committee and be prepared to re-appoint or even walk away. You cannot let someone else do the selling for you, particularly if that person is neither trained nor in sales.Are you an Order-Taker or a Salesperson?An Order Taker is required to make numerous sales because profit margins on the product or service on offer is usually very small. They have little to no sales training and typically approach potential customers with a smile and a phrase such as, "Can I help you?" or "Are you O.K.?" Customers usually run away from salespeople like that. Order takers play the numbers game. They feel that if they talk to enough people they will make the required number of sales. Not much of a Sales System there!A Sales Person on the other-hand makes fewer sales, has a product or service with a higher profit margin and is thus involved in negotiations with customers. The salesperson is therefore involved in the science of Persuasive Communication. Such a person requires a clearly defined and structured Sales System which is under continuous refinement. Without such a system that salesperson is doomed to failure or at best, reduced efficiency.Meet and GreetOnce again the initial contact with the customer is very important. The very first words from your lips will announce to the customer whether you feel you are a salesperson or an order taker. The golden rule here is Right Time, Right Place and be in front of the full buying committee. Remember, many a sale is lost in the first thirty seconds. Always be conscious of looking and sounding the part. You are representing yourself as much as you are representing your company and its products or services.Have you got a U.S.P.?If you don't know what a U.S.P. is then you really do have a problem. U.S.P. stands for Unique Selling Point and ideally you should have one about yourself, your company and your product or service.Is your company the BEST in its industry?The correct answer should be a resounding YES! If you cannot say with confidence that your company is the very best in its industry then you have to ask yourself why you represent them and why you put your reputation on the line in order to sell their products or services. What kind of a person sells and inferior product from a second class company? Not you I hope.Handling ObjectionsDon't be discouraged by procrastination or objections. They are part of selling and they should crop up every single time. NICHE will show you how to respond to these negatives.

Original :: Discover the Clouds of Mysteries Surrounding Sales

Sunday, October 17, 2010

As A Sales Manager How Do You Know When Youve Made A Hiring Error

All this time I've been talking about the techniques and the right ways to manage your sales team. But here is the thing: when is enough enough? When do you get to throw in the towel and say, "Sales isn't your true calling. I'm afraid I'm going to have to let you go"?You are a very busy person. While your sales people are out working towards their quota, you're stuck in the office, behind a desk, figuring out how to work your own quota. So I'm going to tell you the truth right here.As soon as you figure that you need to micromanage a sales person, that's when you know you've made a hiring error.A top-performing sales manager knows this very well. Average ones are aware of it, too. But thetend to miss the point completely. As a top-performer in charge of an elite group of sales men and women, never allow yourself to think that you're responsible for micro-managing your sales people. I repeat, you are a sales manager. You are NOT a baby sitter. You've got more important things to worry about in your day than to spoon-feed an underperformer just so he, or she, could barely meet quota and save his or her job.I understand that some people need more help than others. Sure, we all get that. I can even sympathize. But a line has to be drawn somewhere, and it's you, who's responsible for setting that line. Is the sales person capable of working independently of the help you offer him? Or do you need to check every once in a while to see that he remembers everything he should already know?If it's the latter, do yourself a favor and tell the sales person that he needs to find somebody else to work for. It's harsh, I know, but it's the truth. The best sales people don't need to be managed.Encourage, praise, lead, coach - but never micro-manage.This is one way to determine the presence of a bad apple in your basket.

Original :: As A Sales Manager How Do You Know When Youve Made A Hiring Error

Thursday, October 14, 2010

How to Overcome the Fear of Making Sales Calls

Sales call reluctance is the hesitation to initiate contact with potential buyers, and it is a serious mindset that affects a lot of people. Very few of us are even aware that it is happening. In fact, the majority of entrepreneurs and salespeople suffer from sales call reluctance at some point in their career.We've all heard dozens of times a once celebrated salesperson has "lost their drive" or someone else "wasn't cut out for bringing in new business." As many as 80% of first-year salespeople will fail and over 40% of successful, tendered salespeople will hit a serious decline at some point in their career due to sales call reluctance.This mindset affects more than just sales professioals, it can impact anyone who has to ask for the sale, build a client base, close a quote, follow up with a customer or sell retail products or services. You might be wondering - what is holding these people back from such a straightforward task? They simply have to ask for the business, make the calls and give the quote.The explanation generally falls into two categories - repeated fear and rejection.We know that people who consistently try to hit their goals will experience more success from the pure volume of their efforts. Plus, when you factor in skill and qualified leads their success ratio grows exponentially.It's pretty simple, but there are times when repeated rejection, fear of a brush-off or a lack of belief in what you're offering develops into a fear of or inability to take action.Here's what it sounds like: ย� "I'd love to see new customers but I'm too busy putting out fires." ย� "I'm too established to be chasing customers." ย� "I think calling people to promote my product or services is demeaning - I'm not a telephone solicitor."Don't let this happen to you! Let's look at ways to overcome sales call reluctance.Here are some great ways to gain control: 1. When selling you have two customers to win over - first yourself and second your customer. You need to be 100% sold on the quality of what you offer. 2. If over-preparation is a problem, force yourself to get out of the office after a certain hour of the morning. This forces you to stop preparing and kick-starts your sales activity. 3. Get over stage fright by taking a presentation course or joining a group like Toastmasters that focuses on improving presentation skills and provides opportunities for practice so that you can become a better presenter. 4. If you are afraid to ask for the sale, this fear is best overcome by role playing. I hear you groaning - I know most people hate it, but it is the most effective way to expand your comfort zone.When I'm conducting training, I often share this unique and effective approach that an insurance company employed to help new hires overcome sales call reluctance.Insurance people have one of the hardest sales jobs around and the highest dropout rate of new hires. One company combats this by giving new hires a sheet of paper with 250 little boxes on it. The new recruit's job is to check a box every time someone says no in response to being asked if they are interested in buying insurance.When all 250 boxes have been checked off, the insurance company pays the new recruit $1,000. How can they afford this? Now they have 250 people who have clearly indicated that they don't want to work with them!They can afford to do this because the insurance company knows that in the time it takes for a new recruit to accumulate 250 rejections, there will be a high percentage of positive responses and new clients brought on board!

Original :: How to Overcome the Fear of Making Sales Calls

Monday, October 11, 2010

Get More Clients by Using a Compelling Elevator Speech to Engage and Not Just

The first impression you make with your potential customers or clients (a.k.a. prospects) may be your only chance. So what do you say when asked this critical question to get more clients at business networking events or just when conversing with a complete stranger? What do you do? Sales Training Coaching Tip: If you think the response to this question is trite or anything goes, your goal to increase sales will not be realized.This is your opportunity (and may be your only one) not to sell yourself, but rather for this person to "buy you." Sales Training Coaching Tip: To create more clients understand selling is a pushing sales strategy while buying is a pulling one.Most sales training pograms and many marketing workshops discuss how to answer this essential question if you wish to eventually achieve your goal to increase sales. And given all this emphasis, the majority of sales goals are still not achieved.Years ago there was a television program called Let's Make a Deal. The successful contests guessed as to what door hid the Grand Prize and sometimes they received the "booby prizes" because they failed to guess correctly.Today's buying/selling process is somewhat similar to this game of yesterday. There are a series of 7 doors that form a circle. As you unlock the first one the second one appears. You must walk through all 7 doors that lead you back to door number one. Sales Training Coaching Tip: If you have done your research well, have crafted a compelling elevator speech and honed your active listening skills, you should not have to guess as to what door will lead you to gaining commitment to buy your products or services.Your compelling elevator speech is the key to opening the first door of Attracting Attention. Then as you build upon those first vital seven to ten words, it becomes much easier to open and enter through Door Number Two - Building the Relationship.So what makes a compelling elevator speech that engaged and not just hooks the prospect? The answer to that question is all depends where you physically are, who is your target market and any observations you have made. By understanding the one size fits all marketing message may not always work because of where you are, who you are speaking to and what you have already seen and heard can help you as you open and walk through the various doors to achieve your goal to get more clients.For example, to gain empathy you may wish to respond with something like offering a testimonial based upon what your current customers or clients have said. If you wish to differentiate yourself so that you are the Red Jacket, you might talk about the results your products or services deliver.With many crazy busy sales people having more than one target market, they may end up with three to 20 different answers to the question of What do you do. However all responses can be easily traced back to their executive marketing summary.Finally, by crafting a response that compels the buyer to want to know you the seller better makes turning the key to unlocking those first two doors so much easier. When this has been successfully achieved, you will be engaging your potential customers and not just hooking them.

Original :: Get More Clients by Using a Compelling Elevator Speech to Engage and Not Just

Friday, October 8, 2010

The New Selling Mindset You Dont Have To Hate Selling

Why I Hated To SellI've had to sell from time to time in my professional career.My first sales job was selling computers. I didn't have any sales background. They'd hire anyone back then. But I loved computers so it seemed like something I could learn to do.Turned out it wasn't so easy. Especially when it came to making a "cold call". I think everyone hates cold calling.At least I did. I don't anymore.Why?Because I learned to change my mind set.Why Do People Hate To Sell and Cold CallI don't think anyone really wants to bother or impose on other people. We don't like it when someone bothers us to sell us something after all. So we assume others feel the same way.When someone tries to sellus something we immediately put up the wall - or worse... Sometimes we lie or find some excuse to put off the "pitch."Send me some information. I'm not in charge of that. or... We already have someone for that.These are some of the typical "lies" we use when someone tries to pitch us.We See It Coming NowAnd we can always see it coming right?When someone says on the phone... "I'm Joe Smith from XYZ Company" we immediately know were going to get a pitch. We've learned from hundreds of people starting the call exactly the same way what's coming next.And those lame pitches we get...The salesperson just talks about how cool their company is. They overwhelm with features and technical jargon without ever saying why it might be important to me.I can smell their commission breath a mile away.It's About Them StupidAll anyone cares about is what you can do for them. If you focus on benefits then you just may be able to get someone's attention.People don't want to know how great you are. They want to know how great you're going to make them.But...You've got to do it humbly and gently. You've got to do it respectfully and on their terms.Ask For PermissionAnd don't forget to ask permission every step of the way."Would you be open to some new ideas about securing your home?" "Would you mind if I shared some information about the condition of your water?" "Where do you think we should go from here?"How I Learned To Love To Cold CallCold Calling doesn't bother me anymore.Why?Because I truly don't care if I make a sale of not. My intention is to try and help someone solve a problem.I always start with something like "Are you open to some ideas that might help solve your problem?"If they say no... then I just move on.Want some more ideas on the new selling mindset? Take a look at this website.

Original :: The New Selling Mindset You Dont Have To Hate Selling

Monday, October 4, 2010

Surprising Sales Success

Telme Wadisay was a surprisingly good salesperson.We worked different shifts at a call center several years ago so I never really knew him. What I did know was that his name was consistently near the top of our company's sales production reports.His sales success was surprising to me because, as a recent immigrant from Africa, he had an accent so thick that few of us could understand what he was saying. You'd think this would be a significant problem, especially for phone sales, where your voice is the only tool you have.One day, I finally had an opportunity to be within earshot while he was on a call. What I heard was memorable.He was energetic, friendly and assertive. He sounded confidet that his prospect would be very pleased with his offer. His prospects may not have understood more than a few words of every sentence he spoke, but he had the good sense to end nearly every sentence with a very simple, understandable close: "O.K.?"I would not be surprised if his prospects were totally befuddled as they listened to him. They were probably too embarrassed to admit that they had no idea what he was talking about. What they could understand was the simple, non-threatening question: "OK?"He sounded nice. Friendly. You didn't want to hurt his feelings. Each time he would ask "OK?", his prospect would respond with "OK." Granting him permission to continue over and over until the final agreement to accept the offer.A student of sales techniques would identify several classical theories all rolled into one presentation:* Assume the prospect will buy. * Get the prospect to say yes repeatedly. * Ask for the sale. * Always be closing.An incomprehensible offer is not going to work in most situations, of course, but I will never forget how these classical, time tested sales techniques were used so successfully in such an unusual way.Telme Wadisay is not his real name. I wish I could give him proper credit but I can't remember his actual name and I never could pronounce it. His delivery always made me think of the old Ray Charles song:"Tell Me, What I Say".The lesson his example taught me, though, is one I will never forget. I'd suggest you remember it as well.OK?

Original :: Surprising Sales Success

Friday, October 1, 2010

Foundations of Change

A stray thought that enters your mind, and a whole new vista of possibilities and adventures are recognized. In a moment, your world has truly changed forever. However, if you cast your mind back, you'll realize that the foundation of that change started much, much earlier. That spark you see now was at first an unassuming observation or seed.True, deep change doesn't begin in times of satisfaction or when you live on a plateau. Rather, the foundation of change is started by a failure of something, either a product, or an idea. Perhaps it began like it did for Henry Ford. Growing up on a farm in Dearborn, Michigan before the advent of the motorized vehicle, he realized that something wasissing. The amount of harvest did not coincide with the level of work he and his family had to put in, day in and day out. He knew deep down that something had to change.At first though, Mr. Ford did something imperative. He learned, and got information. The reason why this is so important is without the knowledge, that he acquired all his attempts at improving the situation would be a waste of time. By learning about machinery he learned what the various machines could accomplish, and how. It is no different today. By gathering good information from books, experts in the field, and yes even the Internet, you'll be able to more easily create a solid foundation that will help support that inspirational spark.Of course, there will always be times when your efforts to change are met with failure and resistance. How you handle those situations say a lot about who you are, and who you want to be. Henry Ford saw failure as an opportunity to try again, more intelligently. He understood, as many people do, that a wrong turn can provide you with a wealth of information to use once you get back on the right path.One important thing to remember about making a change is that your attitude, what you feel and think, is extremely important. An attitude that is open to new possibilities, new information, and productive can mean the difference between success and failure. It is important to have the concentration, drive and thoughts to make you a success.It is important to realize that not every battle is worth the fight, and not every change is worth the effort. Rather, concentrate on what you can do, and what you are passionate about. By focusing on the things that make your heart and mind race, your efforts will have a greater impact than ever before.The bottom line is that the success you desire, and the change you want begins and ends with you. It starts with how you think, is fueled by what you do, and can only end when you want it to. The change you see in the results you get is the proof that what you are doing is putting you on the right path. Do not ever be afraid to make a change to make your world, and your life that much better.What is the biggest change you need to make today?

Original :: Foundations of Change

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Motivate Your Sales Team With Regularly Scheduled Meetings

Picture this: A group of sales reps are heading down the hall to the conference room for a meeting with their manager. They are definitely taking their time getting there. They stop for coffee, peek at their Blackberrys and seem to be pondering something silently in their heads.Wouldn't you like to know what's going on in their heads? We do, so we decided to find out. We asked two groups of sales reps "What reaction comes to mind when you hear there is going to be a sales meeting?"Group One was not looking forward to the meeting. Their responses included:- Uh oh. What are they going to make us do now? - Is this going to be another day we'll have to blitz because we haven't made numbers?What did we do wrong? - What fire are we going to have to put out now?Group Two's responses were very different:- Look forward to them. Always learn something. Starts my morning off good. - My manager always makes it interesting. We brainstorm and I learn something new. - I hope my manager doesn't go off on a tangent. It wastes my time. - I look forward it because it's a time to hear success stories as well as some objections that each of us may hear throughout the week. We also get some tips and advice for overcoming objections as well as additional selling techniques.Why are the responses of these two groups so completely different? Because Group One's manager does not have regular meetings while Group Two's manager does.Which responses would you like from your sellers? Many would select Group Two. Yet the responses from Group Two aren't all good either.As a sales manager, how do you get a positive reaction from your team when you ask for their time?One of the best ways to do this is to hold regularly scheduled meetings. With the availability of teleconference bridges, even remote teams should be brought together regularly. How often? That's up to you. Weekly or once every other week works, quarterly is generally not often enough. The keys to making the meeting regular are to:- Decide on the dates/schedule - Commit to the time - Communicate your schedule including the expectation of participation (Yes, participation, not just attendance!) - Stick to the scheduleHow often does your sales team meet? Do you think their comments would be more in line with Group One or Two? If you are part of a sales team, let us know what you're thinking as you're heading toward that conference room.

Original :: Motivate Your Sales Team With Regularly Scheduled Meetings

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Create Clients for Life With Low Pressure Sales Techniques

Low Pressure Sales Techniques and the Problem Solving ApproachSales are the bottom line of any money-making business, be it online or offline. In order to make money, a sale must occur. Professional selling has taken on a new dimension. Today, you see more low-pressure sales techniques along with a problem solving approach. This shifts the focus from making a single sale into building a client for life.Out With the Old Techniques, In With the New TechniquesThe old sales techniques revolve around tricks, gimmicks and techniques of pressure, persuasion and coercion. The key to traditional selling is constant pressure and relentless attempts to convince the buyer to purchase.You may achievehort-term success, but it comes at the expense of the relationship. These techniques leave a bad taste in the buyer's mouth. The same buyer will be reluctant to work with you next time around.On the other hand, a problem solving approach focuses on building relationships with customers. The techniques involve discussing the prospect's problems and describing a path that will eliminate those problems.You need to have an open mind; sometimes that best path doesn't involve your product or service.As a salesperson, you become the facilitator to empower the customers to solve their problems through the best products or services. A genuine concern for your prospect's wellbeing builds trust and encourages repeat sales from the customers.The Advantages of the New Sales TechniquesBuilding relationships with customers and having an open mind as to the right solution removes the pressure in the selling. Customers will be more open and honest with you, if you can show them you have their best interest in mind.Further, you build clients for life and in the end sell more with less effort. The new sales techniques do not only improve sales performance, but they also add prestige and dignity to the sales profession.Selling Through the Problem Solving ApproachWhen using a problem solving approach, you spend time understanding your prospect's problems, needs, want and desires. You know that in order to help your prospect, you must understand their problems are and how your products and services eliminate those problems.Armed with the necessary information, the salesperson can have a meaningful discussion with the prospect. A discussion about solving their problems and which products and services will do that. In the discussion, the focus is on solving the customer's problems rather than highlighting the products or services. Your prospect is much more likely to maintain interest, if it is all about them and their needs.Customers are smarter, better informed and more jaded than ever before. Manipulation and strong-arm tactics will not build long-term relationships. Buyers value trusted business partners and long-term relationships because in the long run they are less expensive and more productive than changing suppliers.As a salesperson who wants to improve sales performance, you should take a problem solving approach to build long-term relationships and clients for life.

Original :: Create Clients for Life With Low Pressure Sales Techniques

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Sales Prospecting How Sales Prospectors Generate Leads Effectively

Sales Prospecting can take up a huge amount of a salesperson's time. It can also eat into the time of small business owners that sell their own services. That's why some businesses use prospectors to generate sales leads. A prospector focuses only on lead generation. They provide the sellers and closers with a regular supply of potential customers. That means the sellers can focus all their time on selling, which is what they are good at and that's great for the business.Sales prospectors can be employed by the business or the role can be outsourced to a lead generation service. Because they are focusing on gathering sales leads they can use the most appropriate and effective method of cotacting customers: Door knocking, telephone cold calling, or mail shot and follow-up. They also know how to generate leads at exhibitions and trade fairs. The prospectors can either pass the leads to the sales professionals or they can make appointments and update the seller's diaries.The Benefits of Using Sales ProspectorsIt leaves the sellers free to meet with prospects and sell to them. Sales prospecting is not effective use of a sales professional's time. They should be focusing on presenting and closing, which is what they are good at.The sales prospects gathered by the prospector can be qualified to a high standard before being passed on to the seller. This means it has been established that the leads are potential customers with a need, and the ability to buy.If you employ your own prospectors it can be a great way to train future sales people. They get to learn about the products, the customers, and the competition. They are learning the role from the ground floor and gaining good experience.When you use a lead generation service you can save money because you will not need to employ as many sales people. If all your sellers are doing their own prospecting the selling process will take longer and fewer closed deals per day will be brought in.Sales Prospectors - A Great Addition to the Team The sales process covers a wide range of different actions. It starts with cold calling and prospecting, and then qualifying the prospects as potential customers. It may include making sales appointments, and email or mail shot campaigns. Free trials or presentations may be an early selling stage. Then you get to the sales pitch where you try to close the sale. Is it realistic to expect a sales person to be an expert in each of these areas, and be able to manage their time to do all the varied tasks and actions? Take a look at your sales process and see if it makes financial and business sense to have sales prospectors that become experts at sales prospecting and providing sales opportunities for your closing experts.

Original :: Sales Prospecting How Sales Prospectors Generate Leads Effectively

Monday, July 26, 2010

what services should a sales trainer

Anyone who manages or owns a business knows that the sales staff are the ones that will bring in the new customers. Managers and business owners will also want to be sure that their staff is using the techniques that are guaranteed to bring in new customers and keep them coming back for more. One thing that a manager or business owner can do to be sure that their staff is using the right techniques is to give them effective training.Business owners know that to be at the top of the market, they will need to have a continuous supply of new customers and loyal returning customers. The owner of the business must give all of the tools that are available to the sales staff to make sure that thy can make that happen. A sales training company is one of the options for business owners in this position. If you decide to hire a training company for your sales staff, you should take the time to do a little research before you choose one. Make sure that they will offer the kind of sales training that you need.All businesses will need different techniques to bring in their customers. The training company should be able to decide what kind of training your staff needs and deliver it to them in a convenient manner.One part of effective sales is advertising. It is important that the sales training company that you hire offer advertising as a part of the training program. Your sales staff should fully understand how effective advertising could help bring in sales and keep them loyal.There are a variety of ways that the sales training can be accomplished. For businesses that have sales employees that work inside the business and on the road, there should be a method to train both sets of employees. Online training is one of the options for people who are away from the office a great deal. The sales training company can accomplish in house training for your other employees very easily.Some businesses fail to see the benefit of having their employees trained by a professional sales training company. All that you have to do to see the benefit is to look at the profits that are gained by a company that uses sales training for their staff. When an effective training program is given to the employees they will be able to bring in more customers than ever before. This is the advantage that many businesses need to stay on top in their market. Make sure that the sales training company that you hire has a method for teaching online sales as well as all of the other methods that are needed in the sales community today.The cost that is associated with a sales training company is small in comparison to the profits that can be gained. When you make an investment in sales training, you will be getting more back with the increased business that your newly trained staff will bring in.When you work a part of your business online you soon realize that your competition is in all parts of the world. To stay on top of this business and get a good percentage of the market, it is necessary to have a sales staff that is fully trained.

Original :: what services should a sales trainer

Sunday, July 25, 2010

how to give a referral and coach your

In the world of sales and small business, there is nothing more valuable than a referral. A lot of energy is spent positioning ourselves with our clients and colleagues so that we can take advantage of word of mouth advertising. In fact, business networking is predicated on the concept of building relationships with others so they will refer business to us.That being said, the logistical challenges of referrals often becomes a roadblock. What is the best way for someone to actually refer us? For example, many of us have heard this sentence from a client: "I told my friend about you - I think they could really use your services. I gave them your phone number" We sit by the phone andait, but unless the need is super-urgent, the call never comes.The easier we can make giving referrals, the more effective we can make it (and more likely to happen). Modern technology has the answer: email. There are two reasons for this. First of all, it creates a written record of the referral, so that the contact information is readily accessible. The second reason, probably even more important, is the the "carbon copy" function of email allows the person doing the recommending to notify both the person they are referring and the person they are referring to at the same time.When you send an referral email, it can be short and sweet. It should contain the following information:
Why you are making the referral.
How you know the referred.
That you are carbon copying the referred on the email.
The next action step.
Here is a sample email script you can use:"Hi John,I wanted to follow up on our conversation the other day. You said you were looking to build your business and I think working with a business and sales coach like David might be a big help. I met David through a networking group and I've had the chance to use his services - he really helped me out. You can contact at him by phone at _______. I've also cc'd him on this email so you can contact him at the above email address.Good Luck!Lisa"This works great when you are giving referrals. More importantly, this tool is vital when you are coaching your clients and contacts on how to refer potential clients to you. By having your clients and colleagues use the cc: function, you capture the prospects information. That way, if they don't contact you, you can follow up with them. It is a powerful habit to let every client or person who could refer you business know:"Referrals are a huge part of my business. And when you do have someone to refer to me, the best way to do so is to email them my phone number and cc: me on that email. That way we both have each other's contact info and I can expect their phone call."You can also follow up when you get a referral instead of passively waiting for the phone call that might not come. By plugging up the holes in your referral pipeline, both on the giving and receiving side, you will grow you business by leaps and bounds.

Original :: how to give a referral and coach your

Saturday, July 24, 2010

4 solutions to getting over cold call

Prospecting is one of a salespersons most important activities, and one of the most challenging. There are so many marketing messages competing for attention in the marketplace, it is hard to get heard. It can be even harder when you are first trying to start the relationship. Cold calling, one of the basic ways to start a new business relationship, is also one of the toughest. I once worked with someone who would stare at the phone for 30 minutes before he had talked himself into picking it up and making a call. Understanding why cold calling is so tough, though, can help you make it more effective.Cold calling is not a "natural" activity. We aren't wired to enjoy rejection, in fac, we are wired to avoid it. In fact, it's only in the last 100 years, with the advent of door to door and phone soliciting, that selling has required salespeople to encounter large amounts of rejection - with all of its negative emotional consequences. The dreaded cold call, then, is a relatively new challenge, and our underlying psychological framework is ill-equipped to handle it.There is an asymmetry of the psychology of phone prospecting. I was inspired by a reading of Nicholas Nassim Taleb's Fooled by Randomness. While discussing the psychology of the stock market (page 97), he points out that many people make poor choices because they respond to the frequency of events differently than the magnitude of events. For example, the number of losses is much more important than the magnitude of losses - we don't like frequent disappointments, even if they aren't very big. This hurts investors because, emotionally, it feels better to have lots of small gains and infrequent, but massive, losses. It feels better - but it affects the bottom line negatively.This also explains why most people have a genuine block to cold calling. It's an activity where even though the magnitude of the positive reward (a sale) is high, there are frequent small, negative outcomes (someone saying no). What also compounds this effect is that as the magnitude of the positive reward increases, the number of attempts and therefore negative responses increases as well. This is where the conversion rate can be informative. If your cold calling only has a 5% success rate, that means the out of 100 calls, 95 will not be successes. That is a lot of frequent, even if relatively tiny, negative results. It doesn't matter how big the pay-off is, if we have to go through lots of little disappointments to get there, we don't want to go.This asymmetry doesn't go away just because we know about it. We do most of our decision making emotionally, so even if we know intellectually that it's just a difference in frequency and magnitude that makes us loathe cold calling, it doesn't help us make more calls. Our brain understands it, but that doesn't solve the problem.To counter this challenge, then, requires us to counteract the feelings of negative asymmetry. In effect, we must booby-trap the mind so that the small but frequent negative responses don't paralyze us. There are 4 ways you can do this:1. Make less cold calls. The more you can minimize the frequency of negative outcomes, the better. This basically means you have to improve your conversion percentage as much as possible. Therefore, anything you can do to make less cold calls and more warm calls is a great use of your time. It can be valuable to take some of the time that you would use for cold calling and develop relationships that increase your effectiveness (your closing %) on the phone with your other calls. For example, networking or getting referrals from current clients takes an investment of time, but they can be a great way to build relationships and turn your cold calls into warm calls. This will minimize the number of negative responses you get and maximize your internal willingness to make calls.2. Increase your skill level. Again, anything you can do to minimize the number of negative emotional responses the better. Focus on improving your conversion rate - having 5 out of 20 positive responses is better than 5 out of 50 - you'll feel much better about it which will lead to more activity. If you experience more success, you will naturally experience less activity-dampening failure. It sounds simple, and it is, but that does not mean it's easy. Spend time developing your skills on the phone. You can develop your speaking voice (tone and inflection); work on the effectiveness of your telephone scripts, or develop one if you don't have a script; you can even work on "smiling when you are dialing".3. Fight your emotions with a constant reminder of magnitude. This is the way of resisting the downward tug of the frequent small disappointments that most people are familiar with. The most ubiquitous form of this reminder is a picture of a reward that you are working towards hung up by your phone. You can even post a copy of the paycheck you would like to receive. Another way to do this is have frequent conversations with a sales manager, colleague, or friend where they reinforce the magnitude of the positive pay-off. The goal here is to remind yourself that the magnitude of the positive outcome is so high that the little (but frequent) negative outcomes don't matter.4. Reverse the emotional anchor. This can be the most challenging, but ultimately most effective, way of countering psychological asymmetry. Because we avoid frequent negative experiences, even if they aren't very big, the trick is to make a "no" on the phone a neutral or even positive stimulus. Two ways to do this are the They said yes method or the Calling for no's method.
In the They said yes method, every time a prospect says no on the phone, hang up the phone and immediately say "they said yes!". It's a little bit of mental trickery that you are playing on yourself, but it works if you give it time. You are re-associating the no on an emotional level with a positive outcome.

In the same way, when you are Calling for no', you set a goal for the number of negative responses you want to hear on the phone. Obviously, you don't want to have people turn you down, but using your conversion rates, you can determine how many no's you typically get for every yes. For example, if you get 3 no's for every yes, and you want to get 4 yes's in a day - you can make your goal to hear 12 no's. Then when you get a no response, it's actually moving you forward on your goal for the day.
Using these four methods, you change the underlying emotional obstacles to using the phone as a powerful prospecting tool. Even though you might not fall in love with making phone calls, you will be able to make them an important and valuable part of your business.

Original :: 4 solutions to getting over cold call

Friday, July 23, 2010

cold calling or consulting no time for

Virtually all training provided to recruiters is about cold calling and transaction selling. It's the focus of nearly every recruitment conference I've been to - 'how to get your billings up'. This Rant will help outsiders understand how the industry got to its appalling state.With refreshing honesty, trainer Sophie Robertson's opening sentence states:"Understand that you are in a sales position, no ifs or buts."Which is what all the others say, just not as neatly - though some like Barb Bruno in the USA are pretty blunt!So what does this mean? That recruiters are trained to cold call meaning they have no time to consult. And remember most work contingently - racing other recruiters to aale, so consulting is ruled out anyway.Ross Clennett, one of Australia's best recruitment coaches has a great e-book that recommends:1. Weekly Prospect Calls: 50 (= Cold Calls)
2. Monthly prospect & client visits: 28
3. Monthly Float Outs: 20 (= sending unsolicited resumes)Not much time left for deepening relationships with existing clients after doing these calls and following up. Now, in other articles and talks, Ross and other trainers rightly say that our focus should be on deepening relationships: But where's the time? You can't have it both ways.This cold calling model is different to how my firm and some other boutiques work: where you have 10 to 20 clients who you work for repeatedly. So relationship building visits might be 3 a month, with 2 or 3 visits to prospective clients on top of that.Re 20 float outs: No thank you! That's not consulting, it's acting like an 3rd rate web server! When you have fewer clients who you know well, sending unsolicited resumes is welcomed, and you might do 2 a month - not 20. It's still sales but the focus is on relationships, not 'foot in the door' tactics (see Sophie's wonderful cold calling scripts in my last posting on Lies).Which gets to the fundamental problem:We are virtually talking about 2 different industries.One where 50 or a 100 'clients' is the norm, based on constant cold calling.Versus one where recruiters work closely with a few employers helping them reduce the risk of a wrong hire, while still needing to work quickly.Ross made the following comment on my blog:"Re your assertion that the role of the recruiter 'is to reduce the risk of making a wrong hiring decision'. I would suggest you are in minority company there ... clients use a recruiter because they want 'excellent candidates, delivered quickly'"The chasm here is wide.Ross is right - I am in the minority but the Rants & technology will change that. His model was right BEFORE and Recruiters in his transaction model are just selling information: finding candidates and racing to the line in a winner take all race. They are middlemen who the internet will soon wipe out (why it is taking longer than in other 'Agency' businesses is a future Rant).After recommending 50 prospecting calls a week, all trainers go on to say "you must of course focus on long term relationship building".Alice in Wonderland. Rubbish. There is no time left AND it requires different skills.Relationships require consultants, not cold callers.

Original :: cold calling or consulting no time for

Thursday, July 22, 2010

dont be this guy

Hello, Is anyone home? In my home town (well it's actually a city, Vancouver) we have some pretty amazing events at The Vancouver Board of Trade for like minded individuals in sales or business to network. Every month the VBoT has either a networking event, a function or a trade show.I have met some very interesting, insightful business savvy people at these events. Many have become life long business associates, most have become clients and a few have become mentors.But it always amuses me to meet the "bigger better deal" person.You know the guy or the girl who is always looking for someone more interesting than you? They've got one foot in, one foot out. Kind of talking to you, asking yu all the right questions, but not all there.So here's some tips to make sure you never become that person!First of all, adopt a mindset, a mindset that the person you are talking to is the most fascinating person in the world! I know you think I'm joking, I'm not. Try it! You will be absolutely amazed at how much better people respond to you, when you make that attitude adjustment and change your way of thinking.Clear your mind of clutter, focus and be present with the person you are speaking to. Do not be that "bigger better deal" person. It's annoying and you know what, people can sense it, they can read your body language.Be genuinely interested in what that person has to say. Think of good questions to ask, learn about their business and listen.By listening, you give them a gift, the gift of acknowledgment. Acknowledgment that what they have to say has value. By acknowledging them you give them another gift, acceptance. Which leads to a feeling of community and greater trust... you see by being an active listener you lay down the foundation for a great relationship! After a person has a chance to express themselves and they feel you have been truly present with them, they generally will become much more amenable to what you have to say. Because of this, what you say after being fully present and listening will have more impact -- giving you greater influence.Lastly, Be nonjudgmental. We all have differing opinions. You can be respectful of another person's point of view without giving up your own position.Now let's take a brief moment to look at it from a sales perspective. Customers buy when they feel understood, and the only way they can feel understood is if you've taken the time to really listen to them. Yes it's important that your customer understand how you are going to "solve their problems", but more importantly in the customers' mind, they need to be convinced that you understand their wants, their needs, their desired results and that you have the capability and the expertise to get the job done.So the next time you are speaking to a customer or you are meeting a business associate at a networking function, keep an open mind, be non-judgmental, be present, listen carefully, and ask good solid questions!Does your success depend on your sales skills? then CLICK HERE [] for a very powerful package on how to significantly improve your sales results!

Original :: dont be this guy

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

saas training what you need to make the

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) presents an enormous opportunity for companies seeking to save money, and for providers of all types, including integrators, Value Added Resellers (VARs), telecommunications carriers, software vendors, and any entrepreneur looking for the next wave of technology. Marketing SaaS calls for a different approach though, since it represents a major departure from the traditional, "mainstream" way of selling software, and as such, there are a lot of obstacles to overcome before you can make the sale.Software-as-a-Service is a simple concept. Users, instead of purchasing multiple licenses for each software package, hosting the software on their own servers, and managng the software in-house, relegate all of those functions to a third party. The advantages are immediately obvious. The true cost of software lies not in the retail price on the box, but in the total cost of operation (TCO), which includes ongoing maintenance and installation. As any IT manager knows, this cost can be substantial over the lifetime of the software.At the same time, the advantages are countered by drawbacks, both real and perceived. IT managers are notorious for wanting to maintain control over their environments. The IT manager is reluctant to allow anybody, no matter how much of a "power user" they may be, to install their own software, make their own upgrades, or configure their own PCs in any way; and rightly so. Without maintaining this level of control over the network environment, the door could be opened to misconfiguration and security breaches that could shut down the network and rack up costs that could be disastrous. The IT manager is therefore often reluctant to turn control over the application environment to a third party. Of course, there are answers to these concerns, which will be addressed later in this book.The reason for the recent upswing in SaaS offerings can be attributed to three different participants: software vendors, end users, and channel partners. The needs and demands of all three have converged at the same time, making this an ideal time to move into the SaaS marketplace. Major software vendors, as shown later on in this paper, have started to roll out prominent SaaS initiatives. End-users have started to demand more of these types of offerings, having finally gotten accustomed to the idea of hosted services thanks to the dynamics of Web 2.0 technology and mobile computing. And finally, channel partners, facing increasingly narrow margins on traditional hardware and software offerings, are looking for new alternatives to supplement their sales efforts.The Web 2.0 Revolution To understand SaaS, one must first understand Web 2.0, which has formed the enabling technology behind it. While it's true that SaaS existed before the Web 2.0 revolution in some forms, the innovations of Web 2.0 technology is what caused SaaS to gain prominence as "the next big thing."As a tool for sales presentations, "Web 2.0" is a buzzword that is worth knowing. Most decision-makers have by now accepted the realities of Web 2.0, and are already enjoying many of its benefits-many of which have resulted in increased productivity, cost savings, and a better level of communication. Positioning SaaS as the next phase of Web 2.0 will tie it in with this positive technology trend.Why SaaS Sales? Because:No need for large capital expenditures. Because there are no up-front licenses involved, costs are significantly reduced. Also, the infrastructure required to run the software in-house, including additional servers, are not required.
Less need for internal training. Internal training can be very costly. And while some training may still be necessary, the degree of training is often less than what would be required for in-house software.
Lower staffing requirements. The internal staff required to run in-house software, in addition to the internal staff required to maintain the additional servers and equipment that would otherwise be necessary, are no longer needed.
Reduce startup costs. Costs to get started with new technology are one of the biggest expenses for a new company, and deploying SaaS helps to keep those costs down by minimizing the need for additional servers, extra staff, and up-front licensing fees.

Original :: saas training what you need to make the

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

great tips for getting more referral

Are you truly grateful?Or just too busy...Saying thank you to someone is one thing, but demonstrating appreciation is another.So this week I would like to talk to you about acknowledgment and appreciation.A common question I get asked is - What can I do to get more referral business?It's simple.Acknowledgment and appreciation.It's the little things that matter and if you are not doing these things then frankly you are taking your customers and clients for granted. Never a good thing considering how competitive the market is and how many choices today's consumer has.So how do you show Acknowledgment and Appreciation?1) Hand Written thank you cards/notesAfter every deal my clients get a peronalized thank you for the business. In my opinion this is as IMPORTANT to your business as prospecting and marketing. Think about it, who do you think is more likely to give you more business? Someone who has never used you before or someone who has used your product or service and had a great experience with you? The answer seems fairly obvious, but you will be amazed at how many sales people and business owners are to lazy to send out thank you cards.2) 1 year business anniversary letters with something of value attached.Not only do I thank clients for doing business with me, they get get an anniversary letter from me every year thanking them - plus I include some sort of special promotion - just for them - again personalized.3) Christmas CardsIf you want to make a real impact - hand deliver them over a lunch. Christmas time is my favorite time of the year, and not just for the reasons you might think. I love visiting people and it's a great time of the year to strengthen existing relationships!4) The Follow Up CallA 2 minute follow call cannot be stressed enough. There is simply no reason as a sales rep not to know how you are doing with your clients/customers. "Heh Bob, how's everything? How did we do on our last order?"5) Invitations to trade shows / conventionsI like to send customers 2 to 4 FREE invitations to trade shows and conventions and ask them if they know anyone in our industry that might also like to go. This way my client looks good because they are the one doing the inviting, and it's a win for me because I get to meet more prospects who are introduced to me personally by my client base.So the next time you are pondering "getting more referrals" think appreciation and acknowledgment!Do you someone who needs help with their cold calling skills?How to cold call anyone, anywhere, without fear of rejection! Stop your prospect from what they are doing, get their full undivided attention and have them instantly build rapport with you! CLICK HERE! []

Original :: great tips for getting more referral

Monday, July 19, 2010

when the going gets tough the tough get

Life is tough and even those who wish to "look on the bright side" still get rained upon. And even when it appears that you are doing all that you know to receive the desired outcome and it still doesn't come, what are we to think? Is it us? Are we expecting too much? Too little? Lazy? Working too hard at it? God doesn't like me anymore? Guilt of some kind?Did the cards get dealt to me with an unfair deck? Or maybe I am just destined to struggle?As you can see, there are many ways to think about "why".But did you notice one thing?Look again at the possibilities.....All my thoughts about my particular problem are negative. Amazing isn't it? We naturally think this way and I could give youy well thought out reason for this but that is not the point of this article.So, what can we do to instantly make change take place?There's good news and bad news. Actually, there is good news and more good news if you can follow along with me.The truth is we have a challenge that appears to be hanging around much too long and it's not what we asked for...or is it?Let's first look at what we asked for. And let's say for fun we wanted to be a great teacher. You prayed to God and asked for just this one request. You wanted to be remembered for being a really great teacher.Several teaching jobs become available and you jump at the chance only to watch another person get the job. And this goes on for much longer than is in your plans. Is this a good thing or a "not so good of a thing?"Most of us know how a valuable pearl is refined. A whole lot of friction from the sand constantly rubbing up against it with no end in site. The poor little pearl has no idea if it will ever get out of its misery. It might even think its good enough at a certain point and just want to be done with the whole process.But on and on it goes and then finally, one day it's made into a very fine necklace and gracefully lying upon the skin of a beautiful women for all to admire. It paid the price, even when it didn't want to.If we could know now that the outcome would be exactly what we thought was best for us and it came exactly when WE thought was the best timing, do you really think we are that smart to know all this? I know I'm not.So here's what I do....I make a decision that I am being watched over and there is a perfect plan for my life and for the issue I am dealing with. I choose to believe that whatever challenge that comes my way, is some form of sand working on me to prepare me for the position in life that I want, or believe that is best for me. So, while I am waiting and the sand keeps on rolling over me and it's quite painful on many occasions, I can be thankful for that "friction" that is making into the great teacher that I wanted to be.Actually, the more friction, the better if I want to be the best. In fact, "bring it on" as fast as possible so that I can be created and refined through all trials as quickly as possible so that when my opportunity comes, I am truly ready. The little pearl thought he was ready many, many times but he wasn't. He didn't know what he didn't know.I think we are like that too. So, whatever you are facing or have been facing, the very best way to succeed through it is believe now, believe today that the friction rubbing against you is exactly what you need and have asked for if you want a goal to go beyond "average".Your thoughts and your actions can be all negative just like the way this article started out or you can make a choice to pick out the 500 to 1000 things that are going great for you right this very moment.Just to get you started let's list just a few. And if you have anything over 50% of this small list, you are pretty darn fortunate.You are still breathingMost arms and legs still connectedCan smell a roseCan see a sunriseAble to hear beautiful musicAh, the taste of your favorite food[You don't take any of these for "granted" do you?] A quick test to see if you do is asking yourself if you thanked your God today for them. Did you? Whoops.Ok, a few more and then I'll let the rest up to you.Are you currently living inside a dwelling?Any food recently? [Within the last few days]Any money at all coming in?Is there anyone who loves you? How many?Could you smile right now if you wanted to?Is it possible to make someone else happy right now with a kind word?Ok, I think you see where we can go with all of this. It all comes down to a choice. Your choice. You are in total control. You choose to think and act the way you decide. No one does it for you.So what does it really take? Well, it does require a conscious decision. You do have to want it and it takes courage. This world will pull you down and it will pull hard and often.The question is, are you going to let it rule you or are you deciding today and every day that you are the decision maker in your life?I wish you all the success and to have the courage each day as the friction of the sand shapes you into the "pearl" you are becoming.Embrace each obstacle, knowing that you are on your way to your destiny!

Original :: when the going gets tough the tough get

Sunday, July 18, 2010

going negative in sales may destroy

Political mud-slinging attack campaigns are an approach that isn't often found in selling. Some salespeople get fearful and defensive as soon as competition is mentioned. Others, those who usually win against the competition, know a productive approach.Commercial ads, like Apple's Mac versus Windows users are a humorous way to point out competitive differences. As dirty as it is, going negative seems to work in politics. But how does it work in selling? How can salespeople still manage control when competition shows up?Washington is Like the 80AD Roman ColiseumDuring the gladiator days in the Roman Coliseum a thumbs up meant kill and thumbs down mean spare him. People cheered and ranted fr the kill. There was nothing personal at stake to each individual. The event was their boxing of that time. Negative in politics possibly works because of the crowd herd behavior, but it does not necessarily win over all people. It may even discourage some voters not to show up. But the herd phenomena in politics does seem to encourage the fight.Don't Make Selling Like a Custody BattleHow do children react to one-parent bad mouthing the other in a custody battle? Usually not well. In sales, beating up the competition is similar. Consider potential customers as children. It can slows things down and put doubts in the customer's mind. The competition of indecision is the biggest competitor in many cases. Would you talk to your customer badly about their decision making style? Then why sell against the competition in a negative light?
How do you sell against competition then?Be grateful for competitorsCompetition is good. It's what creates better value and allows us to learn from competition. The humor in the Apple versus Windows ads may be helping to make Microsoft a better company. The competitions weaknesses can be your strengths that you can talk about.Don't be reluctant to talk about competitionAcknowledge to yourself that you have competition. Know their strengths and weaknesses. If you do mention them, do it early on and in a positive or humorous light. Keep things short and light and you may show your own confidence. Then get right back on track to talk about your company, your products, your services. That is what you are talking with the customer about buying! Better yet, ask a question that puts the focus back on the customer.Don't be reluctant to admit a weaknessEarly in my selling career I remember not making the due date for the release of a software package. We turned this weakness into strength. First, we let every prospect know we would be late. What a great reason to follow up! Then we offered them an olive branch. If your company or product has a weakness just take it head on. If your competition has a weakness, then head off in the direction of focusing on your strength.Rather than consider talking badly about your competition, or even referring to them other than an acknowledgment of something good, give a Roman Coliseum thumbs down to such talk. Spare the negative talk. Focus on you, your company, your strengths and most importantly your customer. Your customer will vote for you with their checkbook.

Original :: going negative in sales may destroy

Saturday, July 17, 2010

cold calling just send me over some

Cold Calling "Just, send me some information."Has this ever happened to you?You: Good morning, Jane. Is Bill Jones available?
Gatekeeper: May I ask what this is in regards to?
You: Sure Jane, I faxed Bill the other day and told him I'd call at this time."
Gatekeeper: Who's calling?
You: John Higgens
Gatekeeper: One moment please, Let me check for you...Gatekeeper: OK, Mr. Higgens I will transfer you now.
You: Thank you Jane.Your prospect: Hello
You: Hi Bill, This is John Higgens from Widgets Sales Training, do you have a quick 2 minutes? I'd like to talk to you about how I can improve your sales people's cold calling and prospecting results.
Your prospect: I'm afraid not John, can you jussend me some information?Yikes! Seems like we have run into a dead end!I always advocate putting yourself in your customers shoes and seeing things from their perspective. Your prospects are overwhelmed and inundated by e-mails, phone calls, and meeting their own sales budgets. To remain effective, busy executives must remain indifferent to your sales advances. Busy juggling multiple projects, they practice astute time management skills: do, dump, or delegate.Is it any wonder you get the polite brush off?So the question becomes what to do?I don't believe in objection handling or overcoming objections, I believe in objection prevention.My sales call goes something like this...Gatekeeper: OK, Mr. Higgens I will transfer you now.
You: Thank you Jane.Your prospect: Hello
You: Hi Bill, This is John Higgens from Widgets Sales Training, I had sent you a fax yesterday. I'll be brief and to the point. We specialize in helping salespeople improve their cold-calling results. I'd like to send you over some information... Can I verify your email address?
Your prospect: Sure!I then verify his correct email address and I then ask my one BEST question that is designed to get my prospect talking about his business, his current supplier if he already has one and his problem.His problem?That's right, his problem is universal.Every sales manager has salespeople who are not meeting their sales budgets, and it's generally because they are either not good at or comfortable with cold calling. Every business person has a problem that your product or service addresses.The trick is learning how to frame it in such a way as to get your prospect or customers to admit that he or she needs help! Did you know that up to 80% of all new sales and business people who fail within their first year do so because of cold call reluctance? What if I could show you an easy to follow, easy to use system that took the "cold" out of cold calling?Do you someone who needs help with their cold calling skills?How to cold call anyone, anywhere, without fear of rejection! Stop your prospect from what they are doing, get their full undivided attention and have them instantly build rapport with you! CLICK HERE! []

Original :: cold calling just send me over some

Friday, July 16, 2010

maintaining your sales focus

Sales Strategies for Success, Strategy #8Let's admit it here and now, it's often difficult to keep that positive, energetic outlook in sales after a full day or week of hearing "no, thank you". Even the most perky among us (I don't like that word! Let's use "vivacious"!) can falter and lose their drive. If you are a solopreneur, working alone, it can be particularly difficult.Don't let yourself get caught in that demoralizing cycle. Make sure you have a circle of people to whom you can turn who help you realize that "this too shall pass" and help make you even better at what you do. While this circle can be friends and family, consider too that a group of like-minded and similarly situatefolks can be even more helpful by not only helping you feel better, but helping you become a better salesperson.Living in the sales world, we often hear negative comments about salesmen. And while we recognize that there are those in sales who are less than honest, I believe the vast majority of us are good, honest people whose purpose is to support and help our clients.This is why I believe that creating a circle of people like you can both support and push you to greater success. Your group can certainly commiserate about a bad day, but even better, your team can help you recognize where you might do better, offer you ideas to change the outcome the next time and help you focus on the positive. Don't underestimate the power of this kind of team support. The ideas that arise from a group of intelligent people focusing on the same topic can be amazing. The process is typically called brainstorming or masterminding and it's a powerful thing.

Original :: maintaining your sales focus

Thursday, July 15, 2010

soft skills training

While technical skills are indeed very important, they are not enough by themselves to move up the corporate ladder.New models of corporate leadership emphasize more team interaction, both among themselves and with management; meaning that managers expect their teams to communicate well and to be proactive.Soft skills are very important in business. It is essential to be technically sound, but one should also have the ability to convey the idea to the masses in the simplest possible manner.With outsourcing becoming increasingly important in many industries, many professionals now deal directly with clients regularly. People skills and personal approachability are what can keep the clientelationships which the company has worked so hard to build.Planning is necessary but execution is also equally important. And it takes soft skills to execute any idea because it involves dealing with people directly.Behavioural training experts say there are a number of "soft skills" which are needed in today's business climate. These include:Interpersonal skills
Team spirit
Social graces
Business etiquette
Negotiation skills
Behavioural traits such as a positive attitude, a high degree of motivation and time management skills
Do you possess these skills? If your answer is yes, excellent!But if your answer is no, then it's time to see a training organisation or a training consultant.Will this sort of formal training enhance your soft skills?There is some dispute in the training industry as to whether it is truly possible to produce a large degree of improvement in soft skills in the space of a few hours, particularly when you consider that people's personality traits are deeply ingrained. The answer is a bit harsh but no less true for that - if you are a professional who wants to keep their career on an upward trajectory, then you have no choice but to learn or improve these soft skills quickly.Near the beginning of your career, it is your technical skills and qualifications which are need to secure good assignments. When you have been on your career path and seek to move up the ladder within an organization, your personality becomes more and more important, especially in large organizations where there may be others who have similar skills to your own vying for the same promotions.Be your own trainer!While organisations are putting some resources into the people skills of their staff, there are some steps you can take of you are looking to begin the process of improving your soft skills on your own.Take part in team activities: Whether in your church choir, a NGO or in a local community group, get involved.
Observe how you behave in this setting and how you relate to others in the group.
Ask your family or close friends to write down your best and worst traits.
If possible, have at least five people do this for you.
Look at the traits which all of these people list. This helps you to play up your strengths and work to improve on your areas of weakness.
How well do you manage your time?
Think. Do you have extra time in your day; or is it already overscheduled with various activities? Time management is vitally important to success in the corporate world.
Think carefully about how you react to feedback. In organisations, people skills mostly come to the forefront when feedback is given; whether for an idea you have had, a presentation you have given or a project you have completed. You will be judged on how you respond to feedback.
Do you get defensive?
Do you insist that you were right?
Do you accept criticismmeekly?
Remember, people tend to be judged and stereotyped according to their responses. You will, too.
How good are you at critiquing the performance of others?
While how you respond to feedback is important, how you give feedback to others is equally so.
Are you too aggressive? Are you known as a Pessimist? Do you believe in constructive criticism? Or do you tend to be more of a stereotypical yes-man?
Live consciously. Any organisation is made up of by people; and soft skills are all about how you deal with and present yourself to these very people.
Soft skills can be improved by being aware of yourself and the people around you and living consciously. While this may take some work on your part, if you wish to advance in your career it is well worth the effort; think of it as an investment in yourself.

Original :: soft skills training

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

it consulting business client attraction

Owners of IT consulting businesses usually have very valuable technical skills. Yet these same IT consultants often fall short when it comes to business know-how, and specifically how to attract clients.This lack of marketing and sales knowledge can be a huge problem for IT consulting businesses because billable projects for clients are what "pays the bills".In this article, we'll look at 5 proven client attraction secrets that you can use to generate new business and breathe new life into your IT consulting practice.
Know the Difference Between IT Consulting and Computer Repair. While a computer repair business might opt for a big promotional presence in phone books, coupon packs, and rtail signage, an IT consulting business tends to be more focused, precise, and reserved in its marketing activities. While a computer repair business will typically service anyone with a "broken" computer, IT consulting businesses usually look for more long-term business clients, with more substantial and sophisticated IT needs. This sharp distinction must come through both in your chosen marketing campaigns and your lead qualification process.

Think More Strategically and More Long-Term in Your Marketing Activities. The sales cycle for a home business customer that needs an inexpensive memory upgrade will be short... almost an impulse buy. However if you're looking to acquire clients with 10-100 workstations and five-figure annual IT consulting budgets, the sales cycle can be anywhere from a few weeks to several months. As a result, you need to think more long-term in your prospective client nurturing and follow-up activities. In other words, a client that spends $300 with your company just about every week ($15,000+ per year) requires an entirely different mindset and long-term vision than a $300 one-shot-deal customer.

Have a Small Proving Ground Project in Mind When Courting New Potential Clients. Often the owners of IT consulting businesses get frustrated when they have a number of large outstanding sales proposals that they just can't seem to get client commitments for. While it's certainly admirable and advisable to be pitching $25,000+ network installations and upgrades, it's usually not the best place to start with a new customer or client. Many IT consulting businesses find a much greater level of success in selling something small initially, with a well-defined beginning, middle, and end, for $250-$1,000 as a proving ground project for new customers and clients. That way your new customers and clients can try out how they like working with your company in a relatively low-risk way, while you prove your value to them. Along the same lines, it gives your customers and clients the chance to "prove" their value to you and that they're not unreasonable control-freaks, cheapskates, or deadbeats.

Always Bundle in Your Ongoing Support Agreement with Every Major Project. Once you've successfully completed your proving ground project with a new customer or client, the follow-up project is almost always some kind of remediation project, or major upgrade or installation. When talking about the parameters for this larger follow-up project, be sure to ask, "Have you thought about how you'd like to handle this new systems' ongoing support and maintenance needs?" At which point, you'll usually want to discuss the benefits and advantages to retaining your IT consulting business through your ongoing support agreement.

Let Your Satisfied Clients Do the Selling. Since no one knows how good you are until after they've hired your company, you need to vividly paint the picture of just how great things can be when potential clients hire your company. To do so, you'll almost always want to leverage the kind words of your existing clients. This is most often done through testimonial letters, audio/video interviews, and case studies.
Owners of IT consulting businesses often struggle to find client attraction methods beyond word of mouth. This is a shame because proactive marketing and promotional activities, that create awareness of your firm, are one of the most important things that you must do to ensure that your business survives and thrives.

Original :: it consulting business client attraction