Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sales Training And Goal Setting What Do You Want Out Of This

What Do You Want Out Of This?The old adage, "any road will take you there if you don't know where you are going" rings totally true if you start out in sales without knowing where you want to go. High-end sales can be extremely rewarding both in money and in lifestyle but you won't make it there without a set of defined goals and dreams. If you know where you want to go, or what you want to achieve, it's very easy then to work back from there in defining what's required.You need to be able to answer "What do you want out of this?" to be able to take the next step. The most successful salespeople (and nearly everyone earning above $200k per year) write down their goals. As you may know orre about to find out, the hardest thing in sales is staying motivated and driven to succeed. If you don't know what you are doing sales for, you won't last very long out there as it really is a tough job.This is where having goals comes in. So WHAT DO YOU WANT out of this?* Time with your family thanks to a flexible work schedule? * A bigger salary so you can get a bigger house or more expensive car? * Maybe it's having a higher disposable income so you don't have to worry about spending money whenever you feel like it?Or is it just that you'd like to be the highest earner in your extended family / street / suburb? I know that thanks to selling data communications I achieved all three on that particular list and probably still do despite moving to a much more affluent suburb than where were living three years ago! When you do work out what your 'why' is, you need to write it down. Writing down your goals is the most powerful thing you can do to help achieve them. They will quickly be forgotten otherwise.While you are writing them down, make sure you put a 'by when' date on them too. They must be measurable like "I want to earn $220k this year, ending June 30, 2011" or I want to be earning $17k per month by the end of October this year". These are measurable, saying "I want to be rich this year" is not. Once you've got these written down, and checked that they are measurable, it's time to break them down into 'steps' so that you know what to do next. I know this might seem like basic stuff but it's what will help guarantee you'll earn over $200k per year. Like I said in the sales letter that you read before buying this eBook, I can guarantee you success, as long as you follow what's in this eBook to the letter. Otherwise you're kidding yourself and you'll lose out on what 'could have been'.Breaking down your goals into simple steps is easy and will give you a guide to work from each day to keep you on track. It all comes down to what sort of goal you have and what that goal will require from you to achieve it. If your goal for instance is monetary as well as physical like "by March 2012 I want to be able to run 10km without stopping and will have made $80,000 spare cash in my sales job so that I am fit enough and can cover the costs of climbing Mount Everest in May 2012". Do you see how that's a big goal but it's still measurable? To break that goal down into steps to take each day would require firstly breaking it into three monthly goals such as "each three months I will have made and saved $12,000 commission as well as achieved my monthly fitness goals".Breaking this into monthly goals would be "I will have made an extra $4,000 commission and run a total of 100km". Breaking this down further means earning an extra $200 per day and running 5km every morning. To make an extra $200 per day might mean making an extra 10 sales calls or 2 appointments or sending out an extra 50 sales letters... It all becomes measurable and achievable when you break it down into daily tasks. This is what successful sales and business people do. And this is what I do too.When you have a measurable task to do each day, you can stay on track. And it's easier to go home at night knowing if you've done what you need to do that day or not.Did I get up early and run 5km this morning? Did I make 30 sales calls (the 20 for my target and 10 extra for my goal)? Done!See how easy it is to stay on track now? And you can adapt this to suit any measurable goal. This doesn't just apply to sales either. Use it in your day-to-day life for other goals too and soon enough, you'll be writing new goals because you've achieved the current ones!(C) Rob Alexander 2009

Original :: Sales Training And Goal Setting What Do You Want Out Of This

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