Order Takers get business in good times. Great sales people generate business all the time, because they know where it is and they know how to get it.Thomas J Watson of IBM was asked this question by a young salesman. "How do I accelerate my career in Sales?" The answer that Watson gave was "Go out and double your failure rate" Why?It is because selling is a numbers game. If you have to talk to 10 people to get one order then you fail nine times to get one. In order to get two orders you need to fail 18 times. Sounds simple enough but there is always more to it. In fact what happens is the more 'no's' you get the more 'yes's' you get. And the more 'yes's' you get the less 'no's' you get.hy?Because every time you get a yes, the confidence grows, the knowledge grows, the customer base grows, the number of available referrals grows, the repeat business grows and the success level grows. Success breeds success.Harvard University have now screened over 20,000 salespeople to find the ingredients of outstanding performers. What we know is that the two biggest obstacles to making sales are:The sales persons fear of rejection
The customers fear of making a mistake
The biggest of these is the sales person's fear of rejection. In tough markets this leads to the lesser sales person making fewer calls, having fewer customer contacts and making fewer sales. This is because they are frightened that the customer is going to say NO.Great Salespeople will always out-perform Order Takers in tough markets because great sales people are members of the Top 20%.Only 20% of sales people in the UK attend regular sales training programmes to keep them ahead of the competition - which is why in most industries 20% of salespeople are bringing in 80% of the business.Highly trained, highly motivated professional salespeople will always excel in tough times - because they keep on going, long after the order takers have given up.
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