Ben Franklin was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He is considered by many to be one of the most influential people that help shape America today. Ben Franklin was a wise man. He was very logical in his approach to life, business and society. In life when Ben Franklin was approached to make a decision that was unclear, he would use this method to eliminate any doubt. This closing technique is based on logic and deductive reasoning.This close is also known as the Balance Sheet Close, T-Bar Close or Pros and Cons Close.The Process:1. Take a sheet of paper and draw a T in the middle.2. On the top left write "Reasons For" and on the right side write "Reasons Against". Make sue you place the "Reasons For" on the left side because of the way we read. You want their eyes to read that first every time they look at the sheet.3. Eliminate the "Against Reasons". The two main reasons are cost or timing.a. Cost: This tends to be the main source of contention. The customer genuinely has interest in your product or service otherwise they would not be meeting with you.b. Timing: Maybe they are in the shopping mode and gathering the information necessary to make a decision. The probable purchaser could be investigating the steps and costs involved to make the purchase.4. Help them with the "Reasons For". Make sure you come up with about 10 solid reasons.5. After you have completed the list, say "It looks like the "reasons for" outweigh the "reasons against". Let's go ahead a moved forward." Now begin finalizing the sale.5 Quick Tips:1. Ask good questions: Make sure some of the questions you ask uncover the emotion or feeling associated with the problem. Once you have the feelings, ask a follow up question to discover what it would mean to them if you helped them get the problem resolved.2. Listen: The key to any close is to actively listen. Take notes. These notes will help you with this closing technique.3. Attach an emotion or feeling to the reasons: This is critical for any sales call. When you can connect your product or service to their emotion, it makes it easier to close the sale. People buy off emotion and back it up with logic.4. Assume the sale: By asking to move forward, you ease the purchaser toward the sale. Using this thought process will help you close more deals.5. Practicial: This is great for any business or personal decision you face as well.Article by Tim Scholze
Original :: ben franklin close
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