"Be prepared' is a motto taught to scouts and professional soldiers. Sales persons like soldiers must always be preparing to survive in the sales field and become top performers. These top performers treat preparation differently but never the less they are always preparing before and after each customer. How do you prepare? Do you ask your self what does my customer need, how and what do I need to do to get my customer to say yes? Do you let ideas and scenarios play in your mind so you can be creative and pro active? All of these are great but wouldn't it be nice if you had a check list to shorten your preparation time and increase the impact?Sure you would. Here are three steps:1. Stratgic preparation: When I look at my customer I do not see just one sale but sales from my customer for the next ten or more years. So when preparing your strategic plan think about the long term relationship and objectives, and then set your short term and immediate objective. This should be for both in making the call and for when a customer just walks in to your shop off the street. Ensure your objective is measurable, is achievable, and works within a time frame so that you can maintain momentum, assess the out come of your call or meeting and accelerate your close by giving you the opportunity to ask for the sale.I usually visualize the event and rehearse, allowing sufficient time for the customer to talk and interact.2. Customer preparation: Put your self in your customer's shoes and start thinking from a customers' perspective about the objective that needs to be achieved, the situation, the needs, and decision criteria. For example can the customer make the purchase decision alone or do they need their partner or some other party to help make the decision. If that is so then ensure all parties are available so a decision can be made then and now.3. Product and technical preparation: Ensure you have a good knowledge of the range of products and services and the products or services capability to meet your customer's needs.Finally plan and rehearse the questions you will ask and anticipate objections, then customize your materials to ensure a profitable result.Sales people, as a rule, generally prepare backwards by starting with the product. Change your thinking and start with strategic preparation. This allows you to stay customer focused rather than product focused. Staying up to date on industry news, economic news and company news and by reviewing your customer's files you can build on information you already have and avoid unnecessary repetitions. Prepare the materials you think you will need and tailor your plan to ensure it applies to your customer.As you visualize for the call, make sure you remain customer focused. Tip. Prior to the call if possible get customer input, and any feedback from historical sales made to this customer.Remember:Prepare for all customer calls,Set measurable objectives and time frames for each call to keep momentum and accelerate your close,
Tailor all your material, this shows your customer that your focus is on them and their needs,
Visualize your calls, rehearse it in your mind, plan the flow of the call and build in time for the customer to talk.
Original :: top tip to successful selling be
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