Creating Dialogue by telling your story is an important skill and something that is taught to people entering the network marketing arena. This is one of the toughest sales environments. It is continually changing and salespeople (network marketers) have to continually adapt to change.Salespeople, when asked, will always answer that they know their customer's needs, they believe that they are solution providers, not product movers, they believe that they are customer focused, if this was all true then why has the customer not bought from them on every occasion?Unfortunately these beliefs are the sales person's biggest obstacles, keeping them from making and adapting to the necessary changs that they must make in their sales talk. Generally there are two extremes of selling. At one end is the generic product selling, which basically is a monologue, where the sales person does all the talking on the benefits and features with no thought of the customers needs, this is what I term a "product dump". At the other extreme is an interactive dialogue focusing on the needs of the customer and any special or specific needs that the customer requires satisfied. No salespeople can be 100% at either end and generally will be somewhere in between, (the aim is to be balanced say 50/50. That is the goal that you as a sales person need to set).Charismatic sales people rely on their inter-personal skills and charm, while others are technical experts, substantive in content but weak on customer focus. These kinds of salespeople are the killers, always closing, in fact rushing to close the sale so they can move on to the next, often at the expense of the customer-salesperson relationship. I have used extreme examples to enable you to think about how sales people approach sales.In today's selling environment a majority of salespeople use a combination of approaches, after all people want to be liked and salespeople are no different. They want to be liked by their customers, they want to be credible, they want to create closeness and they do want to meet the needs of their customers. This unfortunately, with current training methods leads most sales people to use a quasi consultative approach at best, while these types of salespeople do identify customer needs and are productive, they fall very short of what they could accomplish and become superb at selling.The few salespeople at the consultative end create efficient dialogues with their customers enabling them to connect and learn more from each conversation. The dialogues are active and balanced between the salesperson and the customer. This may look easy and sound like common sense, but is far from being simple and definitely is not common practice. The line between quasi consultative and consultative selling is an extremely fine line. The line is the difference between winning the sale or losing it to a competitor, it can be the difference between being considered a technical expert or a trusted advisor. Where the competition is relatively equal it is the sales talk of the sales person that will make the difference to winning or losing the business.To create robust dialogues try these tips:1. Assess yourself and become more interactive in your dialogue and aim for the 50/50 level
2. Commit to doing something different. For starters this could be to start learning how to ASK MORE PROBING QUESTIONS.
3. Stop trying to educate your customers (that is so old school) instead start educating yourself about your customers,This takes a quantum shift in your thinking process as it goes against what you have been conditioned to do in sales for so long.INCREASE YOUR SALES DIALOGUE = INCREASE IN SALES RESULTS
Original :: top tip to successful selling tell your
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