Asking questions off the cuff is a challenging skill to learn, as it does not come easily and if used incorrectly or at the wrong moment could be disastrous to your objective of making the sale. Superb sales persons use this skill to enormous advantage, and their customers actually bond closer with them. How do these superb sales people develop this skill?Learning this skill and honing it, takes time, practice and continual rehearsing, it just cannot be learned any other way. It is said that superb sales people can think on their feet. That is the skill of being able to ask questions off the cuff and thus handle any objections using the objections to close the sale.To start learning thiskill you have to develop a questioning strategy. Sounds simple right? Developing a questioning strategy takes time and effort and does not happen over night and there is no instant fix.Developing a great and logical questioning strategy, allows you to create dialogue that will let you efficiently and seamlessly explore the needs of your customers. A great questioning strategy gives you a structure to develop a rich dialogue and at the same time the flexibility to improvise while still directing the dialogue.Your questioning strategy will enable you to create efficient 'need' questions with your customers. So how do you start creating a great questioning strategy? Here are some tips.1. Start Broad: Establish a rapport with the customer by asking general questions of their requirements,2. Establish the customer's objectives: Ask questions and establish what specifically the customer is desiring to achieve. It is amazing how many sales people skip this vital part. With out a clear understanding of what the customer wants to accomplish the sales person is left with the customer saying "I have to think about it". Has this happened to you?3. Establish the current situation: You need to find out what the customers current situation is. Probe further to discover more about the customers priorities and concerns,4. Level of satisfaction: Find out by asking questions drilling down to the basics to understand what is working and what is not and what needs to be changed,5. Future needs: As your questioning continues discover what future needs the customer may have. By taking this into consideration you are now starting to build a customer for life and your solution will be laser targeted,6. Personal motivators: This is critical as it will allow you to distill the solution to achieve the objective.7. Implementation: Critical to you being able to realistically assess and close are questions about implementation, such as and including budget, who the decision makers are, the decision making process, influencers, competitors, relationships, and any other related initiatives.You can now see that this skill is involved and very critical to your success.
Original :: top tip to successful selling ask
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