Wednesday, June 16, 2010

listening how can you sell someone your

Listening is the most important aspect of communication. Why do you think that we were given two ears and one mouth? The unfortunate thing is that most of us prefer to do the talking. It is a crying shame that they did not teach us this vital skill at school.Think for a second, if you are really listening to your prospect with real empathy then you would find it pretty easy to tailor your presentation with the key points that you picked up from listening to them.Some things to note:If you are listening carefully to someone you can learn key characteristics about their organisation or themselves which will enable you to manoeuvre more efficiently to the sale.

Beware that you filterthoughts and emotions so you interpret what people say falsely based on your experiences. Just like wearing sunglasses the longer you wear the filtered lens, the more it becomes normal.

Listening and hearing are two different things. Listening involves interpreting, understanding and deriving meaning from what has been heard. Hearing is the act of hearing the words. You can hear a song but not know what it was about.
We think four times faster than we talk so it is easy to lose concentration.
Tips for listening: Neutral listening: remind yourself to listen with an open mind suspending your filters and emotion so that you are listening to someones pure thought, not your version of their thought
Ask questions, keeping your focus and concentration on the matter at hand
Maintain eye contact, this increases your attention and focus. Ever wondered why many people crash into lamp posts or trees? It is because that's what they focused on
Remove barriers to listening, TV, radio, the Internet and email, posters and desks with stacks of memos and distracting information
Don't interrupt as it signals that you are not listening
Don't finish people's sentences for them. Not only is it rude and irritating for the speaker if done too often. It may look as though you are trying to claim their thoughts as your own. Other times you may guess completely wrong which may be embarrassing or may put you at a disadvantage without you realising as the speaker may not be bothered to correct you
Summarise in your own words to confirm understanding and display that you fully understand
Use these tips in your future interactions and your will find that the listening skills you have just learned will make you the most persuasive person you can possibly be.

Original :: listening how can you sell someone your

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