Saturday, August 8, 2009

3 steps to turn customer health care

A good sales person is a good educator. For that reason, nothing should excite a sales person quite like confusion in the marketplace. Confusion breeds questions, questions create conversations, and conversations generate sales.If you believe my line of thinking then you love the current health care reform legislation. It is literally thousands of pages of new laws, regulations, and programs. This health care reform will spark one of the biggest shifts in the insurance market in decades. Are you ready to help?Health care reform, recently signed into law, is filling consumers with questions. They need to better understand their current insurance coverage and see how it fits with the requirments for new mandatory coverage.For this reason they are going to need some clear guidance and advice on structuring their future insurance needs. Therefore, your marketing strategy should be shifting to become the "insurance answer guru."Here are 3 insurance sales strategies that should not only generate more insurance leads, but also help to fill your sales pipeline with ready to close leads.1. Become a source of health care reform expertise - Start a blog, email newsletter, Facebook Fan Page, or other information resource. This resource should use simple language and explain the key points of health care reform. Be careful not to bog it down with complicated jargon or too many details.The idea is to create an easy to find way for consumers to get started in answering their questions. These types of information outposts can quickly position you as the go-to person for these questions as well as attract media and customers.You resources can get them started and encourages them to contact you with their more specific situation or scenario--a new insurance lead!2. Create simple health care reform guides - Write a few brief and simple guides to auto, health, and life insurance in the current market. Email it to new prospects, friends, and network contacts. Encourage them to forward it to friends that are struggling to understand the changes in the market or are in employment transition.Encourage readers of these guides to contact you with any additional questions.3. Buy Internet insurance leads - Nothing is more disappointing than having lots of ways to help people and no one to talk to.We're not all marketing gurus--we're insurance experts.This is where a professional marketing firm who can generate targeted Internet leads can help you fill the gap. These leads are generated by real customers wanting to talk to a guru like yourself. It can be an easy way to target interested insurance shoppers. And show off all your knowledge and helpful resources.This insurance market is full of questions. Make sure you are in the ready position with simple to understand information and lots of people to talk to. Create a couple of really simple and clear guides and then buy some leads. Start educating new customers today.

Original :: 3 steps to turn customer health care

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