Imagine increasing your sales figures with 7% and gaining lifelong customers.The best way to achieve a great sales force is to train your salespeople in all of the methods of great sales techniques.Most sales people jeopardise their sales due to subconscious limiting beliefs and a lack of proven sales techniques. You don't lose a sale, you lose a customer.With so many sales and corporate training seminars on offer, it's hard to sift your way through the mire. It can help to first decide what it is that you really need in order to achieve the outcomes you want. Do you need more product knowledge or more confidence? Better communication skills or more confidence? Improved closing skills orore confidence? Better dress sense or more confidence? Get rid of your fear of public speaking?Lack of confidence is the number one stumbling block to sales success. Of course all the other things are important too, but without confidence, you can be the best dressed man on the block with great product knowledge and an ability to communicate clearly and having read all the books on closing the deal and still struggle to make sales targets. We all know people who seem to have it all and yet aren't quite making it.Genuine confidence is at the core of it. I'm not talking about that surface only confidence that's all about appearances, but a real authentic confidence that just exudes from its owner. We all know those who seem to just attract others to them, creating in others a desire to do business with them without them even needing to think about it or put in any effort. This is genuine confidence and it comes from being certain about who you are, what you're good at and what you stand for.It comes from being completely relaxed about the message you have to deliver and an honest faith in your own integrity and ability. Genuine faith and confidence can sell anything to anyone. So go for training that's not just another workshop on catch phrases that sell, but that offers a more complete personal growth opportunity that once begun, will have you stepping forward in leaps and bounds with authentic success building confidence.To be the best sales person is not about IQ, education, or luck: it's about mastering the skills and mindsets that separate the top 20% of sales people from the rest. The good news is that anyone can learn these skills.In closing. What is the bottom line of sales. It is not to close the deal, but to solve the customers problems. Money is a result of a sale not the other way around!
Original :: sales training and confidence
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