Selling health insurance is a one-call close, and if you understand "the law of diminishing returns," you've got to be willing to run the risk of applying a little hard-ball pressure in order to close the sale at the first meeting... or accept the fact that you probably won't ever get another chance.For example, let's say you haven't eaten anything all day. If I give you an apple, you'll devour it with extreme pleasure, right?Now, I give you a second apple and since you're probably still hungry, it's enjoyable to eat... although not quite as much as the first one.At this point, your hunger is just about satisfied (stay with the analogy, please) and I hand you a third apple, which you relutantly eat (perhaps with some displeasure) and... although you have no desire to eat a fourth... I keep insisting and, of course, with each bite you receive less pleasure and become more and more nauseous.Sorry. Really dumb example, but since I've already gone this far...Just as your appetite progressively decreased, "the law of diminishing returns" has the same effect on the close of a sale. Your prospect has the most enthusiasm to apply for insurance at the end of your presentation because you've just created the need and desire for it.If that buying decision is delayed because your prospect "sold" you on the benefit of thinking it over... the more time that lapses, the more likely that...1. Your prospect will get misleading input from competitors2. Doubts will arise3. Less and less information will be retainedIn short, your prospect will cool off and you lose!Now, we've all heard it said that "even a blind hog will stumble across some corn." Maybe so, but I wouldn't count on it. You'll never build a huge book of business on easy ones alone.Obviously, the high six and seven-figure pros get their share of lay-downs. But it's closing the difficult ones that make the top 10% stand out from the crowd. They know how to make their prospects feel an urgent need to buy now... before something happens and it's too late!People have a natural tendency to procrastinate, but it's your job to motivate them to do the right thing now... and your success in sales rests on your ability to overcome procrastination.It's not always the most pleasant way to sell, but it does get the best results!
Original :: one call closing and the law of
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