Lean Six Sigma is a combination of the principles of six sigma and lean manufacturing. While Six Sigma is a relatively new concept, lean manufacturing techniques have existed for a long time now. Lean Six Sigma is used to solve complex problems where techniques from both disciplines can be used to completely analyse a problem and come to a solution. Those working on a particular problem are exposed to both Lean and Six Sigma tools so that they can use their discretion and ascertain whether the problem needs to be solved using the DMAIC approach or a Lean tool. While Lean methods and Six Sigma are both used to continuously improve a process, Lean brings about smaller changes that show a poitive impact over a period of time. On the other hand, Six Sigma techniques bring about conspicuous significant changes that have a major impact on the quality and performance of a business.Compared to Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma is a more cost effective method of quality improvement which is why it is used more often in businesses of a small nature. Six Sigma projects usually include expenses of a huge nature and are therefore reserved for large companies who are able to afford them and are also on the lookout for a complete makeover in the quality of their business.Lean Six Sigma Training and Lean Six Sigma Certification are available via online as well as onsite courses. Online courses are self paced but there is a time limit for completing the course. Onsite courses are scheduled on days and times predetermined by the Training Provider. A Lean six Sigma training programme teaches individuals how to apply pressure for attaining speed and high levels of quality in a manufacturing process. It teaches individuals how to get rid of defects or variations in a manufacturing process. Lean six Sigma promotes the need for balanced approach in any business; it points out that neither aspect, be it speed or quality can be ignored. It highlights that every aspect in a business is important for it to run successfully. This ensures that customers and shareholders are happy and improves the overall level of speed, quality, cost, capital and customer satisfaction maintained by an organisation.The core objective of any Lean Six Sigma Training programme is to focus on what a customer looks for in a business; in terms of product or service quality, costs and fuctioning. Lean Six sigma Training teaches how to keep processes under control, improve speed and keep capital requirements low.Some institutes that provide training in Lean Six Sigma are: Six Sigma Training.org- This programme is sponsored by Pyzdek University, which offers online training on six sigma and lean six sigma by Thomas Pyzdek, author of "The Six Sigma Handbook". This course includes over 70 online modules, online resources for study, online forums for communicating with instructors, email support and lots more.
Aveta Business Institute - Online courses are offered on DFSS (Design For Six Sigma) and Lean Six Sigma. These two courses are combined because experts working on a Lean Six Sigma project often face obstacles on the way which sometimes requires them to redesign the products or the process. Hence, a training on DFSS is useful. Moreover, the Lean Six Sigma certification course provides training on how to develop a systematic approach towards waste reduction in the value chain. It teaches one to identify defects and /or defective work. It also keeps a check on overproduction, unnecessary processing or excess inventory. This course integrates the principles of DMADV (Define, Measure, Analyze, Design, and Verify). This results in product designs that consistently meet customer requirements, target costs, target release dates, and manufacturing requirements.
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