There are lots of people that pay an arm and a leg for sales leads. I have worked for a company that generated leads for people online, and I have been generating business for myself for a very long time. I can tell you this, the ROI on lead generation services is just not something you can consistently count on. So what we as salespeople need to do is look for places that give us information at no cost that lead us to sales. I am going to give you 4 easy steps to bring in leads that wont cost you anything but time.Work your sphere: In fear of telling you something we all know, but we rarely do, talk to the people you know first. The people you know in everyday life should have a much higer degree of trust for you than any cold call. I know, I know, you already know this. The fact is most people don't do it. Past clients, family members, and friends are a valuable resource.
Sell where you buy: Where do you buy your clothing? Where do you go when you go out to dinner? Who does you dry cleaning? Fact is you give these people your business, why not ask for theirs? It is hard to get anything but a warm response from someone you hand your money to for their products. Always ask for reciprocal business.
Volunteer your time: Become a volunteer for a charitable organization. It is for a good cause and it is a great way to network and build solid long term friendships. Make sure everyone knows who you are and what you do.
Social Media sites: Get on Facebook, Twitter, and any other useful site you can find. Branch out beyond your network of friends to people who are in Industries that can use your product.
Forum and Blog Marketing: Find forums and Blogs that relate to your product and use them as a free marketing tool.
Cold Call: The phone people, its a great concept. People try to sell you the bill of goods that it doesn't work, that's what we all want to hear. It isn't true, it DOES work. You can make 3 times the contacts dialing that you can walking the street. Use Manta to find information about the companies in your area and go to town. Practice makes perfect and don't get frustrated, it is tough for everyone.
Original :: how to generate free sales leads
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