Sometimes it happens. You went to the wrong location. You had your times wrong. You had trouble in traffic. It wasn't something you had control over. Whatever the reason you find your self late for this appointment you worked so hard to get.Now what?I recently was in the situation with a new sales rep and we went to the wrong location. It happens. Not the best thing. Not a planned thing. But it happened. But what happened after we walked in could easily have ruined any chance of ever making a sale. I used that opportunity to teach the four things that you find below that you must do when you're late.4 Things to do When You're LateNever apologize. If you apologize you demonstrate weakness.You have given the other person an opportunity to have the upper hand. It is best if you can begin a sales call with both of you on equal ground. Don't let what just happened (over which you had no control) put you in a position where you give away control.
This is so important. Most sales reps blow it right here. They have the idea that apologizing will make up for the late attendance. It won't. Apologizing only gives away any power that you may have had. You have now put yourself in a position where the other person can tell you how wrong you were for being late. You've given him control.
Note: Rule number one in life, when you lose control (getting stuck in traffic on the way to an important appointment) take control of everything you can. Instead of apologizing what you should do is...
Own the issue and move on. When you own the full responsibility for being late you demonstrate control. The other person cannot say anything else. You've now fully owned the issue. If they can't say anything more, then don't you dare say another thing about being late.
By owning the issue you have taken back control. Unless the other person is a complete jerk he will recognize that. He will then be ready to move on. Own the issue. It is my fault I was late. Don't blame it on anything else. Simply own it! Then take complete control of the situation by making an...
Offer to reschedule. The offer to reschedule is extremely important. You make the offer by saying, "what I'm going to share with you today is so important to your business, that I want to make sure we can both devote our complete attention to it. If there would be a better time for us to get together, when we won't be distracted, let's reschedule right now."
This is usually the time when you get the comment, "well can't you just leave a brochure and I'll call you?" How you handle those will make all the difference in the world. If you offer to leave anything you have just reduced your chances for a sale. This is not the time to leave a brochure. This is the time to leave an impression.
He's trying to blow you off because you were late. He's written you off.In his mind you're done. What you do next will determine how successful you can be. Instead of fulfilling his request for a brochure. Your should say: "What I'm going to share with you is far too important to your business to leave it in the hands of a brochure. I value your time and the 20 minutes it will take me to share with you is the most important time we could spend. So it may be better for us to reschedule."
What you're doing now is taking control. You've demonstrated value by putting a priority on your time together and the value you bring to his business. Now you wait. If you've convinced him that you have value he will either reschedule or tell you that he has 20 minutes available right now. Now you're in control. Make sure you do the next thing...
Stop short of the allotted time. If he tells you you have 20 minutes, then you better stop at 18 minutes. Never, never, exceed your time limit when you've been late! If you exceed your time limit you have violated the number one issue in sales - trust. He trusts you to do what you said you were going to do in 20 minutes. If he can't trust you to stick to your time constraints, how will he ever trust you with his business?Oh, one more thing - Never be late again! If you're worried about the traffic leave early. Make sure you can find the place. Get clarity about directions. Make sure you know where you're going. Don't find yourself in a situation where you have to follow these four rules because you were late. There is no excuse for being late. The only alternative is to own it. If you find yourself owning it you'll make sure you never do it again.
Original :: you show up late now what
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