Being a successful marketer means knowing how to be helpful to the people you come in contact with in your business. A successful marketing system involves creating a support system. An effective support system that works for others as well as yourself.But, it doesn't matter how you network, or how much you network if you don't do follow up. Effective follow up with the people you do business with is essential.You may know of people who work hard to make contacts. Work hard to generate leads. Yet who's follow up is poor or non existence. They will actually lose a lead or a prospect because of non existent or poor follow up with the leads or prospects. It's really only doing the job halfwa. If you work so hard to generate a lead, that's really only half the work. You MUST, MUST, MUST follow up properly. This will double, triple, quadruple your chances of closing.Follow up with phone calls, postcards that you personalize and mail to them. At the very least send them an email letting them know to look forward to your call. Simply put, the more contact you have with your leads or prospects the more business you will generate.Even if you are successful and sign up a lead or prospect, you should continue following up with them. Ask them questions. Make sure they know you are there for them with any questions they might have. This shows that you are a leader and that you are concerned. This is a win - win. They win by feeling more comfortable and involved. You win because a happy, involved and successful business partner will work harder to become more successful. Which makes you more successful and so and so forth.Don't forget to follow up!!
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