Let's face it, you're not where you want to be with your sales goals or you wouldn't even be opening up this article. That is ok. Nobody starts out a sales guru, as it takes experience, knowledge and a lot of trial and error. We can't give you experience, but we can give you our experiences, knowledge and what has worked for us.It's been said that being a salesman or saleswoman is tough gig, but that is not really the case. Well, you are probably wondering where this misconception came from. This is fairly easy to explain - The majority of people entering the sales game don't make it. Next, you have a few lifelong sales folks who are average, do enough to get by, and complain about everyting related to their job.Then, you have the rare birds, your elite sales class; the people who are making the majority of the money. Right about now, you are probably thinking I am contradicting myself. Nope. It's not that sales is rocket science, it's that people see big money and they think they're going to make it without much effort. They enter green into a sales job, associate with new and average sales reps and they eventually fail.Here is the roadmap to becoming an overnight sales pro:1. Mindset - You have heard that selling is a numbers game and that is the truth. Even a monkey could sell if it got in front of enough prospects. The more time you put in, the less you goof around, the more you will find yourself working deals. When you work more deals, you will close more deals. It's time to start thinking about putting in the work it takes to be the best. It's time to know that you are the best.2. Product & Sales Knowledge - Hey, at least you are reading this article, so it shows that you care. However, you also need to be learning everything about your product and/or service. Also, you need to know everything about what your competitor is peddling. Become an expert in your field and you will exude the expert status to your customers.3. Think Outside The Box - Do something to set yourself apart from other sales people. I always ran a contest for every prospect that I talked to. For every lead they gave me, I entered them into a drawing for gift cards that I paid for out of pocket. Create your own website to collect leads, run your own ads, work the companies dead files, do something that nobody else is doing.4. Always Ask For The Sale - If you are not asking for the sale, you are doing it all wrong. If they object, address the objection and ask for the sale again. You won't sell anything if you are not asking for the sale.5. Follow Up - They didn't talk to you because they felt like wasting their time. They took up your time and their time because they want what you have to sell. They are either shopping you or finding someone who knows how to sell them what they want. Your time is running out, so you better follow up.
Original :: become an overnight sales pro
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