THE SECRET TO SUCCESSHow often have you wondered what the secret to success is, especially when you believe you have tried your best and still appear to have not got there? It is so frustrating and the frustration gets worse when you observe someone that you believe is not as good or talented as you becoming successful. So what is the major difference, after all you are better right?Lets look at the how and why.The first discovery that I made about being successful is that contrary to popular belief the road to success is NOT ENJOYABLE. 'What?' you say. Well it is true. The journey is not going to be enjoyable. People that succeed do so because they don't enjoy it! Once you have got yourind around this you will find that there are no secrets to success.Remember "The truth will set you free" but first it will TICK you off.RESULTS = MONEY. It is that simple yet so many of us wait so that we can find out more, do more analysis, more research and at the end of all this still do nothing which will make you successful. It is Knowing Vs Doing. It is well and good to have done all the due diligence required to gain the knowledge but then you must use that knowledge by taking action. That is doing.Tip: You get paid for Doing not Knowing.Try not to be a typical statistic. 95% follow 95%. People follow what others do as they are too afraid to try something new themselves for fear that they may just become successful, hmmm.Tip: Life is extremely simple.Success is extremely simple. Just stop and think for a minute. You are reading this article and yet your mind is roaming some place else. You are physically DOING but mentally ABSENT. your mind has left the room so to speak.ARE YOU READY, WILLING AND ABLE TO SUCCEED?Are you willing to do what it takes?Remember people only change when they get really, really ticked off. All too often I have heard people say, "Hey I have really tried I have given it my 100%." Really?Tip: Trying doesn't work: SO STOP TRYING and DO "ACTION"Success in any endeavour is 90% mental and 10% mental. You really do not need to learn more of the same, you need to just DO more. Be prepared to take positive action and not be afraid to make mistakes, after all who determines that it is a mistake in the first place? I have seen some people become extraordinarily successful by making so called 'mistakes'.Imagine if you could use only 10% of your potential! Einstein used only 5% of his potential... the average person only uses.025% of their potential. For example when you get ill you do something about it. Unfortunately rising to your potential usually lasts a week before you slide back to where you were,Tip: Nothing in life is neutral.Always be proactive. No one will do the work for you, after all, would you go out of your way to make some one else successful and wealthy? Try not to be reactive which is what the 95% of people do. Stop and observe and you will see it.Here are some questions to answer to get you going.1. Why do you want success? Be specific in your answer, as a general answer will get you nowhere.2. What do you want to earn in the next 12 months? This is a world of abundance.3. What emotional reasons and goals do you have to change?YOU ARE OUT OF TIME...
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