Suppose there was a way to Triple Your Income within the next 12 months, using nothing more than the energy and motivation you currently have... plus one of the insurance industry's most powerful, yet grossly under-utilized money-making marketing "secrets!"The technique is called "X-Dating" (collecting the expiration dates of all your prospects' policies)... and it's the ultimate door opener!Make no mistake about it. Those x-dates are solid GOLD! Get enough of them and,over time, you'll build a massive database without spending a dime! And those x-dates are fast slides into additional ancillary sales that you might otherwise never get a shot at.Pretend today is July 24. Now, imagine 100 lads in your database with September anniversary dates... soon to receive 30-day renewal premium (rate hike) notices. With that kind of timing, the chances of telephoning the prospect, offering a free, no-obligation policy review... and converting a lot of those x-dates into applications are not just good... they're excellent!I won't kid you. It's going to take some effort to pry those x-dates loose, but they're essential to building a huge business.Think about it. If you manage to harvest just 4 x-dates per day, you'll be growing your database at the rate of 1,000 x-dates per year... a mother lode of opportunity!A possible scenario with a hard-to-sell prospect...Joe Prospect: "Darn it, Mark! I'm too busy, not interested and, quite frankly, find you pushy and obnoxious!"Mark: "Relax, Joe... I'm not trying to sell you anything. I just needed some quick information to see if I can help you. And, by the way, my clients appreciate my tenacity at CLAIM time!""Anyway, Joe, I'll let you go... but is it okay if I keep you in my database? With all the turmoil in the industry, I like to keep all my clients up-to-speed on any new information they might benefit from. I just need the anniversary date of your policy in order to make sure you're always getting the best value for your insurance dollar."Joe: "Uh, yeah... sure."Or something like that.The impact that collecting x-dates will have on your bottom line is immediate and inevitable. You will get more leads, close more sales and make more money. Guaranteed.It's simple cause and effect, and it's been proven over and over again... by sales pros just like you!
Original :: xdating turning rejection into gold
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