"What are you willing to let go of in order to gain more sales and grow your business?"That's one of the questions I often ask my success coaching clients - and it's interesting that many of them give me a similar response. It's generally a look of surprise, then puzzlement, then fear. After all, letting go of something is normally associated with LOSS, and that's generally not an emotion that many of us are comfortable with, let alone want to actively pursue.So consider this instead.What if I rephrase the question: "What GAINS will you have for yourself and your business success if you could stop doing, or do less of, one thing?"Now - that felt better didn't it - yet really it's just a sift in emphasis of the same question - a re-framing of the question if you like.If you are a work at home business professional, or solopreneur you need to understand that your business is constantly evolving, and growing. Every single day you will be reaching new prospects, taking on board new ideas, mulling over new strategies, setting out new ways of giving value to your clients, strengthening your 'business success muscle'.Like all things that grow and evolve - there has to be an element of Letting Go, in order for this growth to happen.Just think - it would not be possible for you to be an adult if you still behaved like a 5th grader, it would not be possible for a butterfly to exist if it did not let go of it's cocoon, it would not be possible for many plants to flower year after year if they did not shed their previous petals, and die back to replenish their reserves for stronger growth the following year.Once you can shift your Inner Game mindset to realise that letting go does not mean loss, rather it means that you are paving the way for gain - it no longer becomes a process to be feared. Instead you can actively plan for it, and embrace it because you will understand that it brings its own rewards!There could be many things you could let go of, in order to create gains in your business! Here are just a few to get your thoughts flowing:Needing to be the one to do everything in your business.'Do-it-all-youself-it is' is an expensive habit to have, because it means that you create a bottleneck in your business, as you can only work so many hours in a week. Look at what 'routine' jobs you could start to outsource, in order to free up your time to focus on the high value aspects of your business that you are best at.T.V. This is what I've heard called the Automatic Income Reducer!! Just for one week count up how many hours you spend watching TV and then ask yourself what you actually gained from it. Now, I'm not saying you can't relax with the family and enjoy a movie, or your favorite program together. What I am saying is - be intentional - choose what you want to watch, watch it, then turn the TV off. Just think - if you could give your business an extra 30 minutes of focused action per day instead of watching that Soap (which never really changes much anyway!) - what could that do for you? That's a whole 10 hour day extra per month. That's twenty half-hour laser coaching sessions for prospects who could be converted into your big ticket program, that's 20 high value blogposts to showcase your expertise, that's time to plan create and deliver a group coaching webinar or teleseminar! Wow - now do you see why it's called the Automatic Income Reducer. How much is that TV habit actually costing you?!People who are not aligned with your values.It is said that we are the sum of the 5 people we are closest to. Look at who you associate with in relation to your business, and ask yourself if they understand what you are trying to achieve. Do they support your vision? Can they give you support, and help, and that little extra nudge to success when you need it? If they don't then maybe in a polite way it's time to re-align yourself with those who can instead. (N.B. I do NOT mean family and friends in this section - they may not fully 'get' what you are doing, and that's very common for solopreneurs, and it's OK - I am not saying to let go of them!! I'm talking about your circle of influence in your business setting!)Fear! Holding on to fear serves no purpose at all - whether that's a fear of failure, or a fear of success.Once you realise that all fear will ever do is keep you small, keep you in the shadows, and stunt your business and personal growth, you'll know that it's time to let it go! Guess what - you WILL make mistakes as you grow your business. You WILL come across people who don't want to work with you....AND THAT'S OK. These are normal part of the process. Use your mistakes to learn from! Rejoice in the fact that some people will not want to choose you to work with - they will provide the springboard for you to connect with the many people who will want to work with you!So now, let me ask you again "What are you willing to let go of in order that you can achieve business success?!"
Original :: four key blocks to let go of to increase
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