You got 'em. We all have 'em.They're the reps who no matter how hard they try, they just can't make quota.Something's got to be done - and fast. These guys are killing your company's sales performance. When dealing with underperforming sales people, you can't delay.When it comes to sales underachievers, your sales managers need to stop fighting the war and focus on the battle.In this sales training we give you three ways to take the first steps to turning around your sales underachievers:1. Focus on rewarding the "smaller" things. Highlight the small steps that might lead to a sale. If the sales manager waits until the actual sale is in the door before they start acknowledging any positivefforts, then this is a missed opportunity.For example, the sales manager could praise the sales person for showing good probing techniques, for preparing a commendable opening statement, maintaining a solid rapport with other office staff, making good use of sales data, etc.2. Praise specifically. With an underperforming sales rep, praise all the basic stuff at first. A simple "Good job" is okay...but the more specific, the better.The sales manager should tell them: "I really loved the say you started that last sales call - you asked very specific, non-threatening probing questions and they just opened right up and told you what their issues are - excellent job".3. "Approximately right" is alright. The sales rep may not have reached the real goal yet, but by praising them all along the way to "exactly right" by praising them for doing things "approximately right", this works wonders in enhancing confidence and instilling optimism in a sales rep who being an underacheiver, may be lacking both.If the sales manager withholds praise for only when they do things exactly right, then the opportunity is lost. The point is to simply get the underperforming salesperson moving in the direction of success. And the sales manager can do this byGetting underperforming salespeople on the track to success sometimes is just that simple - when small techniques like this are used consistently, the results will start to come.Focus on the small everyday battles and your sales managers will start to win the war.
Original :: three proven methods to turn around your
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