When you own your very own house cleaning business, how to run it isn't the only thing that you should be learning and developing skills at. You should also be able to sell your products and services to your target market very well. That is how things work in your cleaning business marketing schemes. Since you are in the house cleaning business, what you are selling are services, thus using results as the proof of your effectiveness and efficiency. So in order to show to your prospective clients the so-called results, you have to show them pictures and even explain to them a bit on how you managed to achieve such. However, what if you don't have the luxury of time? Can you still do a salepitch? The answer is YES. You absolutely can.The "Elevator Pitch"
Making a sales pitch that takes only seconds is not only possible, but also effective. This is what many would like to call "the elevator pitch". Notice how quick an elevator ride is? That is how quick your pitch will be too, thus the name given to it. Of course, noting that it is merely the length of the pitch that gained it its name, you don't have to do this in an elevator exclusively.So how do you do this? Basically, you prepare this spill beforehand and practice it at home as often as you could. Eventually, you can practice this with family or close friends, and ask them for feedback on it. Consider this as one of the most valuable cleaning business marketing tools you possess for your small business. As time goes, you will have this pitch tattooed on your mind that you can even recite it in your sleep. And that is basically a good thing - for your business, especially.One-on-One Sales Pitch and Group Pitch
This is quite the easier of the two (compared to the group sales pitch) because you are focusing your pitch only on one person. When going about it, always build rapport first, subtly tell the person what you do, and then you can say your spill. You spill should be beneficial to what the person needs, so beforehand be very observant. Tailor your sales pitch to what you think that person needs because that is how you can make a sale.Just remember that in making a sales pitch you are offering a solution to the person's problem. That is how you open for your cleaning business, opportunities. Cleaning business opportunities can come with groups too. However, be very observant and focus on the common thing that the group may have. Just remember that perfecting things comes with time.
Original :: sales pitch for your cleaning business
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