One of the oldest and most used smokescreens in the book is the, "I need to think about it" objection. So many sales reps struggle with this one because they think the prospect isn't saying no, and so they don't know how to respond to it.Unfortunately, what many of you have found out is that your prospect actually is saying no - they're just saying it in a way that makes it difficult for you to handle it. Well that will end for you today. By using the scripts below, you'll see if you're prospect really does need to think about it, or if he/she is blowing you off. Believe me, you want to know now so you can save yourself weeks of chasing and begging a deal that will never close.The followig scripts were taken from my Brand New Book of Phone Scripts due out in about 6 weeks. These are seven out of ten in the book (there are 20+ NEW scripts on how to handle the money objection alone! You'll want to pick up a copy as soon as it's released, so stand by...)In the meantime, enjoy these and send me an email and let me know how they work for you!!Response #1: "_________, whenever I tell someone I need to think about it, I usually mean one of three things: 1 - I'm not going to be a deal for whatever reason and I just want to get them off the phone, 2 - I kind of like the idea but I'm going to have to find the money or talk to my partner, or something else is holding me back, and 3 - I really like the idea and I just have to move something around before I say yes.Be honest with me; which one of those things is it for you right now?"Response #2: "__________, I may have given you too much information on the warranty (or pick another part of your product or service here), is that what you need to think about?" (Now use your mute button and let them tell you what they are going to really think about)Response #3: "You know _________, if this isn't for you, I'd rather have a no right now - believe me, you won't hurt my feelings. Is that where you're leaning right now? (It is always better to get this objection out of them early.)Response #4: "__________, let's face it - you've already been thinking about this for a long time. You know you have to make a change or nothing else will change with (your operating system, your results, etc.). Thinking about it more won't fix things for you - only making a decision will. You like this; you've already told me it would work for you. So let's do this - go ahead and put me/this solution to work for you now and if you change your mind later you will still get the benefit that you've acknowledged you need. Here's what we need to do to get you started..."Response #5: "__________, the only thing more costly than making a bad decision is not making one at all. If you don't change things then things won't get better for you. Now, you've already admitted that this has the best chance to make a positive impact in your production, right?Then do what my other clients do and put me and my company to work for you. Once you see the positive results we both know are possible here, you'll be back to expand our coverage for you. And that's going to be a win/win for us both, isn't it?Then here's what we need to do..."Response #6: "___________, since we both agree this has a great chance to work for you, let me do this. While we're on the phone right now, I'm going to email you three customer testimonials - companies just like yours who were hesitant as well - and when you read about how successful they were with us, I'll put together an introductory offer that you won't be able to pass up. Once you see for yourself how this works, then we can talk about further involvement, is that fair?"Response #7: "__________, what I'm hearing from you is essentially a no - and that's alright. As a sales rep, I hear that all the time and it doesn't bother me. It just means I haven't yet explained the value proposition right. Tell me, what would it take to convince you that this would be a good idea to move forward with - and please be honest with me."Copyright (c) 2010 Mr. Inside Sales
Original :: how to overcome the i need to think
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