This is number six of our 20-article series on closing sales and becoming an All-Star Sales Person. This one continues with our visual approach to prospects.As you may recall, there are two facets to a visual approach to prospects: your appearance which we discussed last time; and your body language. Using body language in your approach to prospects means that your body and that of your prospect are always communicating. By being aware of our principle called Match and Guide, you can increase your level of rapport geometrically.The principle is very simple. Begin by matching the body language of your prospect or client. People tend to mirror people that they are comfortable with. So to gepeople more comfortable with you, start out matching or mirroring their body language.After you've matched your prospect for a while, the next part of this principle is guide his body language. You do that by making body movements that your prospect can be guided by. For example, you can simply touch your face or your hair or your shoulder. So first you follow him and then you lead. And when you see that your prospect is following you, it's time to sell.Here is a caveat. If your prospect is making a lot of big gestures and body movements, don't mirror those, but wait until he finishes and then when it's your turn to speak, you can make similar gestures and body movements.Match and Guide the body language of your prospects and clients. It's a major principle. Practice it first in low risk situations with your family and friends and become aware of how your rapport level just soars. It's a very powerful tool.I once taught an insurance agent client of mine to use it. At a lunch meeting he focused on matching and guiding his prospect. This was their first meeting. When lunch was over, they returned to the client's office and my friend received a premium check for $26,000 to cover the first year of the policy.What you've just done, you've learned how to maximize rapport with anyone you want and this is going to lead to increased sales a lot faster and easier. Use this principle professionally or personally and get along better with everyone you know.
Original :: closing sales use your body language to
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