Here is the third of my 20-article series on Closing Sales and Becoming an All-Star Sales Person. This one deals with what you actually say when you begin your conversation with your prospect or client.The verbal approach to prospects is the vocabulary, the words that you actually use to begin to build rapport. Now, in order to know what to say, it's helpful to remember and review what you already know about this prospect. Look at him. Observe his environment. Did you decide to do small talk or get right to business? If you're going to go right into business or whenever you begin to talk business, the You-I approach is critical.The You-I approach is simply beginning your conversatioby talking about the other person first. The You statement-begin with something your prospect would agree with. Example, "It looks like you know how to run a profitable business," then ask a simple question like, "Am I right?"But saying something about the other person first, you're talking about his favorite subject and then asking a question gets him involved. Second, the I statement, you begin that with something you want your prospect to agree with like, "What I'm good at is helping you keep more of the profits you earn," and then asking another simple question. Is that something we can talk about today?So by saying something about yourself, you tie into his initial agreement with the first thing you said and you gently get his acceptance about what you've just said about yourself? Makes sense?Here is the You-I approach when we put it all together. "It looks like you know how to run a profitable business, am I right? Well, what I'm good at is helping you keep more of the profits you earn? Is that something we can talk about today?"What you've just done is get off to a good start. You've made a good first impression, a good approach by talking about the other person first and then tying in yourself to what you've just said. So you've set the stage for what you will talk about and you're starting to build rapport.
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