This is the first of my series of 20 articles on Closing Sales and Becoming an All-Star Sales Person. This article is an overview regarding how to structure a sales presentation. There are seven steps. Some you already know, so it will be a refresher or reminder. Some you know, but didn't know that you knew it. This will make you more conscious and confident. The rest will be brand new, and as such will excite and motivate you.The new knowledge is a foundation for adding new skills that you'll develop and this will increase your confidence and enthusiasm and ultimately make you more successful. These steps will help you develop rapport, understand your prospect better and help you be morepersuasive.1. Prepare
2. Approach
3. Probe
4. Present
5. Close or complete
6. Post-close
7. Alternate Close.I'll review them with you in more detail, and subsequent articles will give you even more in-depth information you can use to be more successful.Step one, Prepare. You have to plan first. What do you want to accomplish, who's going to be there? What can you expect, what research can you use? You want to be prepared for every possible contingency. We'll go into more detail in subsequent articles.Step two, Approach. What is it? It's what you say to get started. What's the purpose of a good approach? It establishes your credibility and builds rapport. Regarding small talk, some people like it, others don't. That's the advantage of learning as much as you can about your prospect as part of your preparation.Step three, Probe. Why probe? Well, to understand your prospect, to learn about his needs, his priorities and his decision making process so you can relate better to him when you make your presentation. In addition you demonstrate that you're interested in him. It helps you build rapport and build credibility.Step four, Present. Here is where you do most of the talking. This is where you provide a solution for your prospect's need. It's critical that you create a desire on your prospect's part to have that solution otherwise, there is no point in going any further.Step five, Close. This is what it is all about. The close generates action. Nothing happens until something gets sold. You must ask a closing question. Subsequent videos will have detailed closes and there are many, many more in my book, All Star Selling.Step six, Post-close. After you complete the sale, you don't just want to pack up and leave. You want to do what you can to reinforce the positive decision that your buyer just made. A good port-close will also eliminate buyer's remorse. Here's how: you put your client in the future, happy with what he has just decided to buy. Then you summarize the details of what happens next, so there won't be any surprises or unrealized expectations and ask for referrals.Step seven, Alternate close. If your close fails, you can go back to step two and make a new approach or ask more questions or make another benefit presentation or close again differently or deal with the objection, resolve. In other words, if your close is not successful, you can recycle back to the approach of the probe or make another benefit presentation.Winners prepare. Take a few minutes to plan the outcome you want and you will achieve it. Fail to plan is like planning to fail. This first article provides an overview of the entire process. The next 19 go into specific detail. What you've just done, you've grasped the importance of taking a planned, structured approach to selling. You're preparing to succeed. Study the science of closing sales and eventually you will master the art of closing sales.
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