�Every successful company usually has a sharp minded Sales Trainer who is always seeking new and more efficient methods of training the staff and producing enhanced performance or sales results.Kathy is one of those staff sales trainers and when she noticed one of her salespeople had entered into a period of reduced performance she decided to get to the bottom of the problem and find a solution toward improving his sales performance. John was a fairly new salesperson with the company; first year, but his sales performance was keeping pace with the rest of the new salespeople; at least for a while. But then; suddenly, there was a drastic drop in closed sales. After talking with John,Kathydiscovered he had run into a line of guarded buyers and either he didn't know how to close the sale or he didn't have the experience to close the sale with this kind of a buyer. Kathy had discovered the effectiveness of sales training DVD programs by previously using them to enhance the performance of other salespeople and decided to bring John in for some brief sessions to improve John's sales performance in the situations he was having the most difficulty.After only 5 sessions of DVD sales training and some role-playing scenarios involving guarded buyers John admitted he had some new options to take back into the field which could improve his sales closing effectiveness. Options he felt he didn't have previously to the DVD sales training program. Since, John has gained some new found confidence resulting in improved effectiveness and has come out of his sales performance slump with increased revenues and closings that have kept pace with the rest of the sales team. In years past most of the experience the salesperson gained was from years in the field, paying their dues it was called, while the company suffered from low performance and a loss of revenue due to lack of sales performance.Sales training DVD programs can compress years of field sales experience and introduce even novice salespeople to techniques which enhance performance and sales results. The sales training can take place in a stress-free and comfortable environment enhancing the salesperson's ability to retain the information presented in the sales training. It is safe to say that sales training DVD programs equate to not only accelerated experience and enhanced sales performance but increased sales revenues for the company as well.
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