The parts and mechanics of the sale scenario are very much akin to that of a dance between two halfway willing partners. The salesperson is the one (or SHOULD BE the one) who is doing the leading, and the prospect is the one who is following. However, it doesn't always work that way, and the experienced sales pro can pick up on the signals and knows when to shift gears.A very effective sales skill is the act of selling a product on the "Take Away." This method has its basis on the concept that the salesperson has taken the offer of the sale off the table and has decided not to let the prospect have the opportunity to acquire it. At first glance this would sound like a suicidal approach fothe sales person, but when delivered correctly, it is a very powerful tool to making the sale.A good time to consider using this method is when you are presenting to a customer who is constantly challenging you or is continually giving you negative responses to your questions and/or statements. You find that the more you reach to this person, the more they pull away with arguments and negativity. When faced with this scenario, reverse your gears, and suggest to your prospect that the product you are selling is obviously not for them or that they obviously don't have the financial or social means to have or use the product or they don't have the required skill, education or training to properly use and/or enjoy the product.By doing this, you are literally yanking the product from their hands and telling them, in a politely professional manner, that they can't have what is being offered. The physics behind this move is that instead of you reaching to them, you have just pulled away and created a vacuum of sorts between you and your prospect. What results from this will be one of two things.Your prospect will agree with you, and that ends the sales presentation. Which may not be what you wanted, but at the same time, it will end the time spent trying to sell something to someone who never really was a prospect in the first place.The other option is that you will gently, but firmly, shake up your prospect and instead of them pulling away from you, they will start reaching towards you and the product, and start telling you why they should have it. The more reasons they give you, the more they are self selling. After they've made their point as to why they should purchase the product, you can graciously "relent," and let them talk you into selling the product to them.The Take Away technique takes some practice, and it is delicate balance between subtlety and chutzpah. However, as a sales professional, you make your living from dancing to different drummers. Once you have mastered this method, you may actually finding yourself using it on a very regular basis. The truth is, by using this method you are gently guiding your customer into coming more to you, rather than you trying to come to them. Having your customer sell themselves, makes for a better quality sale.See you at the top.
Original :: closing that sale by taking it off the
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