Networking is huge. It's a great strategy to get your name and your business known to the public quickly and with little investment. As well, networking is the number one way to give to others by way of referrals. Building, refining, and utilizing your network should come naturally, if you do it right.Many people shy away from networking events because they think networking is "selling," or "fake." They fear rejection, or they think it takes too much time. If any of these apply to you, let me give you five tips to get you networking like a pro, feeling confident at events and growing your business!1.Choose Wisely. You don't have to say yes to every event or activity that comes your way. Lok at each event and evaluate which are the best invest-ment of your time and money. Check each event against your goals. Ask yourself these questions:- What is the purpose of the event? If you don't know, call the sponsor.- Is what I will learn at this event? If there are break-out sessions, are they beneficial to my professional growth or growth of my business?- What is the time investment for the event?- Who are the possible and/or probable attendees?2. Prepare. This might seem like a "no brainer," but is it? Other than directions to the event here are some things to do before the event.- Prepare a list of goals for the specific event. How many new people do you want to meet? What do you want to get out of the event on a personal and professional level? Think of goals specific to the event you are attending and write them down.- Make sure you have an ample supply of business cards with you. I know this sounds silly, but at least once at every event I meet someone who doesn't have business cards with them. What are they thinking? Please make sure you have enough cars and that they are CLEAN! This means no smudges or creases! Keep extras in your car - just in case.3. Have An Open Mind. You never know when you meet a new person what their impact will be on your network. Have you ever thought " This person can't possibly help me." or "They wouldn't want to..." or "This person doesn't look like someone who..." We all have. I'm going to tell you though, that now would be a good time to revise your thinking. You can't possibly know how a person can affect you network unless you talk to them. Pre-conceived notions may keep you from realizing a great opportunity. Also, don't forget that networking is not all about you! It's about helping others as well. If you go to your next networking event with an open mind and an open hand more people and opportunities will present themselves to you.4. Focus. As you introduce yourself to people, and as they are introduced to you, keep your focus on them. Not only is this just plain good manners, it will help you to remember who they are in the future.- Use their name during your conversation, or at them end of the conversation.- When business cards are exchanged, look at their name on the card.- As soon as possible (not in front of the person) write a note on the back of the card that will help you remember who the person is.5. Be remembered. Remember it's not all about who you know as much as it is about who knows you.- Send a hand-written note to each of the people you connected with at the event. In this age of electronic communication, a handwritten note is sure to be remembered.- Follow-up by phone. Wait a week after you have sent the note. Follow-up this up with a phone call. You'll not only be remembered a someone who is thoughtful, you'll be remembered for someone who is pro-active, organized and professional.- Make a referral. Recently, a person I know referred me to a website builder she met. This person is doing work for me right now. In fact, she is doing such a good job, I referred her to a friend of mine who is also building a website. This is a perfect example of "Who do you know who...?" It's also a way to be remembered (for making the referral) and building your network.Start thinking about networking as a way of life. If you think about it, the world is tied together as one colossal network. But it's not just about who you know. It's about who knows you.
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