Here's 5 keys ways to maintain a positive mental attitude in RV sales.1. Avoid toxic people.
What does that mean? Who are the toxic people? Toxic people can be well-meaning people but when they talk to you, they are coming from a negative attitude about money, finances, themselves, and especially about the current RV market. They may be fellow RV sales professionals who want to gather at the popcorn machine or coffee pot, or well intentioned friends and relatives trying to "protect" you. Here's what you need to do: either change the subject or walk away. Better yet, speak up for yourself and mention that you want to think positively about the RV business.The world is full of two kinds ofeople. Life givers, and life takers. Decide who you are talking to and make a decision. Remember our "Power of Association" training? Elimination, Limitation, and Expansion of our current Associations. And, adding New and Empowering Associations.2. Avoid the media.
Why? Because their intention is to sell newspapers, magazines and commercial time. The more fearful and negative a picture they can paint, the more they sell.They're mantra is "If it bleeds, it reads". Don't subject yourself to slanted, negative spins on the economy when you can find just as much information to point to the positive. Is every industry slow? No. Real estate is taking a blood bath in the media but my friends in real estate are doing just fine. They're "making lemonade" in the foreclosure market. If you have to read the news, get it online so you can read what you want and move on. Newspapers on the sales floor are a cancer. You will not be able to find anything in a paper that will help anyone make more sales and money. Eliminate them.3. Successful sales people do well in any market.
Don't use the excuse that "the market is bad", for not making money. This is the time to bombard yourself with positive. If you focused every single day on getting positive input you will succeed in any market. If the business isn't walking in the door, than go get it.If you live off the floor, you'll die off the floor. Does everyone you know, know you are in the RV business? If not, why? You don't have to try to sell them anything, just make sure everyone you know, knows what you do. There are people with money just waiting to take advantage of a buyers market. If you sell them now, you will have them in your data base for repeat and referral business later.4. Look for opportunities in todays marketplace.
Campgrounds this summer are filled to capacity. The price of fuel and travel has changed peoples plans. RVing is an economical form of travel, trust me, I travel. If you have an RV or access to one, spend some of your slow time camping where RV owners and buyers are. As a dealer you should be sending a sales person out in an RV every weekend to where Rv'ers go.Not everyone is slow. Local, state and government people are in the same position job and income wise as they were last year, maybe better. Everyone is not in commission sales, or in down industries. Have you lost any firemen, peace officers, postal workers etc. in your neighborhood lately? I have a neighbor who does stress management for cancer patients. She discovered a new market in stress reduction for corporations and her business is booming. I have another friend who just changed careers and became a corrections officer, their business is booming. My auto mechanic is busier than he has ever been, and he's an active RV'er.Brainstorm and make a list of every business trade that has not been affected in a negative way by a downturn, and make a list of ways to pursue them. If you do this as a store using a mastermind concept you will get even better results. Sitting at your desk wondering how you are going to make your next car payment is not going to make you any money.5. Remember that your success depends on your mindset, not on the outer conditions of the market.
Henry Ford said "Whether you think you can or you can't, you're right."
Are you taking the time to create a positive mindset in yourself? Your beliefs create your reality. How? Your beliefs control to what extent you tap your potential. If your beliefs are mostly positive you will tap more of your potential, take better quality and hopefully massive action, and get better quality results. (income). As your results increase in a positive way your belief level will increase as well, taping more of your potential and on goes the success cycle.The opposite is the quick sand. If your belief level is poor due to negative input, you will not tap your true potential. If you don't, you will take little if any action, and get little, if any, results. How does that make you feel, good or bad? Probably bad, and if you feel bad do you tap your potential?See how that works? Who controls which direction this circle goes? That's right, you do.Now Go Sell Something!
Original :: rv sales training the important of
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