Have you ever talked with somebody and they refrained from making eye contact with you while you spoke? This can be very disconcerting and ends up giving you the impression that they are not interested or do not value anything you have to say.In building a relationship with a client, giving them signals that show you're interested in what they say can go a long way in gaining rapport. One easy way to make them feel important is by occasionally nodding your head up and down (shaking your head - "yes") while they speak. This simple gesture encourages people to continue talking and gives them the impression that you care and agree with their views.This should be done moderately and not all te time. Shaking your head fast or vigorously suggests to your client that you are impatient and have something to say, causing them to stop talking. Also shaking your head continuously while your client speaks then lacks emphasis.Try to do it when you know your client is talking about a key point, or mentioning something that you know is important to them. This will make them believe you understand their concerns and will begin building that crucial rapport with your client.We all enjoy doing business or building relationships with people we like. It's human nature. Since this is a positive expression of agreement and most people want to feel important, you'll find that this small and easy body language gesture will pay-off in huge dividends.
Original :: increase sales with this simple body
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