Making money online or anywhere else is about getting the sale; that's a simple fact of life.Most people, make that ALL people, think that they make their buying decisions rationally. That is, they weigh up the pro's and con's of a product, is it suitable for them, will it do the job they require of it, is it value for money etc.However, the facts of the matter are quite different. We all actually buy things based on our emotions. Knowing this is part of the equation to getting a sale, but putting it into practice is another matter altogether.The key to learning how to put this into practice is studying the art of persuasion. In person, this is what you say to people and how you react tohat they have said to you. If you are on online marketer, whether you're selling insurance or an ebook, you must rely on the written word.There are certain sub-conscious triggers that you can easily pull to make a person take the action that you want them to take. Is this ethical? Well, this depends on two things: your ethics and your desire to give people what you think will improve their lives in some way with the product you are offering for sale.Knowing what these "triggers" are and WHEN to employ them is critical to your online (or other) success. How many are there? Well, there are a great many, like there are a great many food recipes. But, like recipes, you typically use the same, or similar, ingredients time and again.So, if knowing these ingredients is the real key, what are these ingredients? Here they are:Cost value Guilt Reciprocation Social Proof Herd Like Authority Greed FearMaking money online can be a LOT easier if you understand AND employ this knowledge.Let's discuss each one briefly.Cost value This is the mistaken idea that if a thing costs more, it must be better. Although this can be easily disproved, the thing to remember is that people will almost always think that if something is more expensive, is MUST be superior to something that is less expensive.Guilt If you've ever received a request for a donation, then you know this one well. You'll receive an email or a letter in the mail showing you a very extreme example of somebody (often a child) in horrific living conditions. You're not as badly off, so you feel guilty that you have more than they have.Reciprocation Somebody does something for you and you feel it's only right to do something in return. It makes you feel less beholden to them and "clears the slate".Social Proof This is simply being accepted. After all, who wants people to dislike you because you're not like them? The very word "like" has two inter-related meanings. If you like someone, you're really saying that you are "like" them.Herd Similar to Social Proof, the herd mentality is in our DNA. We are "pack animals" by nature and will almost always tend to group together. That's why there are villages, towns and cities. We group together like this because we feel safer, though in reality we most likely aren't. Ever hear the term "keeping up with the Jones's"? If they have it, you want it!Authority If we are told that somebody is our boss, we automatically accept that they know more than we do. Again, this is often very easily disproved, but we still can't help ourselves FEELING this. The boss could be a President of a country, your employer or even your spouse.Greed Although this word conjures-up very negative feelings, they are perfectly natural and actually necessary for the advancement of the human-race. It's what makes people keep striving for bigger, better and more of whatever they want.Fear This is the grand-daddy of them all. The single most powerful psychological trigger is fear. This is always the fear of loss. The loss of your life, your health, your money, your possessions, your security. I could go on, but you get the idea.Understand and USE this information in all of your marketing efforts and the rewards will come faster than you can count. (Greed).Don't understand or use this information, and you will lose out time and again to your competitors. (Fear).
Original :: pull the trigger and make the sale
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