If you are interested in producing a good piece of art, you should try your hand at watercolor painting. By following some simple instructions and tricks, you will be able to create some good paintings that will impress those who see them. An important quality that all kinds of watercolor painting should have is transparency. By having a good transparency in your paintings you will be able to get a better feel on your watercolor painting.A trick that will surely help you to get the most out of your watercolor painting is trying to create an effect that would make it seem that there is life in your painting. You should make the paintings in such a manner that the onlookers will get the feeing that the painting is more of an illusion.Moreover, there are a large variety of papers that can be used for making a watercolor painting. Choosing the appropriate paper will help you in getting a better effect for your painting. You can either use hot pressed, rough pressed or cold pressed paper for making your watercolor painting. Other important factors that you should pay attention to while choosing the paper for making your paintings are the weight and size of the paper. While using a light paper for your watercolor painting, you should take care to stretch it before making your painting. Failing to do so would result in the paper getting wrinkled with every stroke of your brush.Besides, one needs to decide on the quality of colors for making their watercolor painting depending on their personal capacity. If you are a novice you should stick with the most basic form of water colors for making your painting. As you gather more experience and become more confident about your capability, you can graduate to a more professional quality of water colors. You will find the water colors quite easily from the market in the form of cakes or in tubes. If you are using the watercolor cakes you should take great care to see that the brush you use for applying a certain color is rinsed well before using them to take any other color. This will ensure that you can get a better quality of watercolor painting.However, a different matter that you should keep in mind is that there is no need to buy all the colors for creating your watercolor painting; you just need to buy the more primary forms of water colors. By just mixing the primary colors you will be able to quite easily obtain the secondary colors. Thus you will not only be able to save money for yourself, but also will be able to come up with better shades of different colors. In case you cannot avail the secondary colors, you can always make use of the prepared colors that are available in the market.Thus keeping all these information in mind, you will be able to come up with better quality of water colors and become an expert in watercolor painting.
Original :: watercolor paintingcreate art with water
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