Hotel Sales Managers should always keep a private data base of their clients. There are many reasons why. Although I use the Opera System and have used Goldmine and Delphi, I keep my clients close to home in my personal computer. Yes, that means that you will have to take the time to put them in the data base but it has proven to be worth it.If you find an opportunity at another hotel that is a beneficial move, then a database will assist in "WOWING" the potential employer. These days the employer will expect you to have your client base at hand. A selling point is to have your clients information handy and they will want to know who you can shift to their hotel. Having your data bae handy will assist you in increasing your sales much quicker. You will want to impress your new employer and utilizing your base for email blasts or simply to easily find their phone number is a smart move. Having your database updated will keep you organized and assist in focusing on capturing more sales. I note special things about my clients and even log room night production and catering revenue where I can. A database also will allow you to target certain accounts that you want and call on accounts that you have qualified to have the potential to book large blocks of rooms. If you are at home and want to do some research or contact your client, you can easily do it by using your own resources that you have established for yourself. I do not always provide full information about my clients in my database at work. As a competitive Hotel Sales Manager, why should I give up every detail on an account that I have worked to death. And with this economy I never know day by day if my position is secure. So I take the time to back myself up just in case.
Original :: the top 5 reasons a hotel sales manager
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