When selecting a car to use on sales calls, your objective is to drive a business car that is appropriate for what you are selling and one that puts you in a position where you are least likely to be judged negatively.1) Drive a car that is appropriate for what you sell.If you sell office products, printing supplies, and other similar products, you want to have a fairly low-key car. A Ford Taurus, Chevy Impala, and the like, would be appropriate with these products. If you are selling high-end, more expensive or exclusive products, you should be driving a fancier car.2) Drive a car that is appropriate for the people you are calling on.A fire-engine red 700 Series BMW may not be the best cr for calling on conservative bankers, yet it would be appropriate for calling on dentists, doctors, or lawyers. If you are calling on small business owners who are working ungodly hours and it's obvious that they are watching every penny, you don't want to pull up in a Mercedes. A Ford Taurus may not be the best car to drive if you're selling yachts or Lear jets, but it is fine if you're selling office products.3) There are also times when you'd better be driving a specific car.For example, if you sell Cadillacs, make sure you drive a Cadillac.4) If you still need some ideas on what to drive, look at what your customers and other salespeople in your industry drive. 5) When choosing a car, think of the demands you will be putting on a vehicle.Do you need to carry a lot of materials or equipment? How many miles will you be driving? What part of the country do you live in and thus what conditions will you be driving in?6) Some other quick, helpful tips:Keep your car as clean as possible, inside and out. Fuzzy dice and other idiosyncrasies may help you stand out, but the odds of making a bad impression are too great. There aren't too many bumper stickers we'd recommend either, especially political or religious ones.Keep the car smelling good. You don't need to hang an air freshener from your mirror; typically a spray of cologne, perfume, or air freshener in a spray bottle works fine.Use your best judgment and err on the conservative side if you add any little trinkets, unless, of course, you're selling fuzzy dice or car air fresheners.
Original :: sales training ideas what kind of car
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