In your company, as is the case with virtually every business worldwide, you most likely have somebody responsible for selling, possibly even a direct sales team.These are usually highly paid, highly skilled individuals who are charged with bringing in new business and expanding the top-line revenue of your organisation.Whether you sell books, mobile phones, cleaning products, engine parts for a Boeing 747, or offer a range of professional or trade services, your salespeople will no doubt be charming, persuasive and focused on making your prospective customers want to buy from you.However, even if you have the greatest salespeople in the world, you must not forget this one fundamental truh.More often than not, the sale has been made in the mind of your customer before your salesperson has said a word. It has happened before your customer has made a phone call, visited your shop, or tested your product.This is not because they've been sold your product or service by your highly-paid salespeople, but because they've chosen to buy based on an independent recommendation from a friend or colleague.The greatest form of salesmanship is not direct selling by sales professionals. It is the word of mouth recommendations which come from your repeat customers who then happily tell their friends, family and business associates about you.Word of mouth marketing comes from customers who have had an extraordinary relationship with your company, and have achieved exceptional results from the products and services you offer. It comes from customers who have received outstanding customer service from you, and want to tell others about you.Word of mouth marketing always has been and always will be the cheapest and most effective form of selling.The way to maximise word of mouth marketing is to create a company filled with passionate staff - at all levels - who give customers reasons to tell their friends about you, and give customers reasons to come back and buy from you time and time again. This is what this book is all about.This is not about traditional selling through traditional sales channels but is about creating a culture, an energy, and a vibe within your organization which can literally be felt by your customers and your marketplace.Word of mouth marketing will not make your salespeople redundant, but it will dramatically and substantially boost your top-line revenues and bottom-line profits, simply because the heavy selling has already been done by your existing customers before prospective customers even contact you.
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