Just as Nixon enacted Auto Speed Reduction Day for energy conservation in 1973, introverts in business who sell may want to declare their own Sales Speed Reduction day for energy conservation. Extroverts, more like solar powered items, continually and speedily energize by doing things. Introverts, more like a flashlights, need to stop and replace actually batteries to keep on going.1. Sales and marketing plans usually include a degree of networking. Be selective about the events you go to. As an INTJ in Myers Briggs types, I usually go early and speak with three to six people and then I'm free to either sit and eat, just wander around or leave. Selectivity and purposeful introductions arekey to my success.2. Schedule your days so any extroverting - speaking engagements, networking, even one to one meetings - can be done after you have some quiet time before and after. This allows you to pace yourself. In particular, you want any activity that restores and refreshes you. Selling can be enjoyable this way!3. Email is a great way of communicating for introverts. You can control the conversation more easily. Don't hesitate to draft an introduction or follow up email and let it sit in draft mode. Then before you "speak" you've satisfied that innate need to think first.4. Maximize your planning side to minimize crunch time. If you start preparing for a sales presentation or making a proposal well before the deadline, this lets you manage both time and energy.5. Remember that introversion can look like shyness, but it isn't. Professor Bernardo Carducci of the Shyness Institute at Indiana University defines the difference this way: an introvert hangs around the edge of a social or business event to preserve their energy; a shy person is reluctant to join in because of the risk to be judged.6. Understand yourself as an introvert. Since we need more time to restore our energy, select enough speed reduction activities to protect your energy. Hire a coach if necessary who understands the introvert's care.No one is solely introverted or extroverted. Being an introvert in sales doesn't mean there is something that needs to be fixed. There's nothing broken. We're in the perfect position as introverts to do more 'being' instead of 'doing.' The truth is even extroverts may find it stimulating to slow down on occasion.
Original :: sales training introvert salespeople
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