Making more sales is the number one objective of any marketer. With little or no knowledge of how to attract people to buy their products, online marketers does not have chance to sustain the cut-throat competition of the present market situation. Let's discuss the five effective ways to entice people to buy.1. Avoid flashy advertisements. Flashy advertisements put off people more than generate interest. Make your ads simple, personal and attractive. They should be able to build a rapport with your targeted audience.Build trust with your customers by putting testimonials on your ad showing that people actually buy and are happy with your products.2. People like to know whom they are dealig with. Most of the time buyers first check out the credential of the people they are buying from. Make your buyers feel safe. Tell them their details are kept safe and confidential. Let them know that purchases made from you are processed through a secure server. Nobody wants to scammed.If you have a website, dedicate a page where people can learn more about you. Put down your details like address, e-mail, chat ID and telephone numbers. It is unlikely that people will go and verify the details but putting them up for others to see certainly make a big difference.3. Offer your buyers multiple payment options. Accept payments through Credit cards of debit cards. For people who do not have credit cards offer them to accept payments through Money Order or checks.If you are selling products online you will have customers who are skeptical to provide their details. These are the extra cautious; give them the option to pay through Pay-pal or Alert-pay etc. where they do not have to give out their card or bank account details to merchants.4. Offer discounts and bonuses. Create urgency for people to buy from you. Give them a time frame the offers are available. Create a situation they will not get the offers if they do not buy before the deadline.There will be times you will have curious people who will actually see if you are honest with your offer. Stick to your words.5. Provide good after-sales service. There is nothing more than having a helpful vendor. You want people to come back and buy from you. Thank them if they had made a purchase and invite them to come back. If otherwise, they do not buy from you or cancel their orders, ask them for a feedback so you can improve.
Original :: 5 ways to entice people to buy from you
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