Generally sales people, who struggle for sales or lack of it, struggle for a few ��reasons.In this article, I am going to explore the reason why sales people struggle and show steps to remedy it.Let's examine why Sales people chose the beautiful profession of selling:?������ To meet new clients & help solve their needs?������ To make lots of money?������ To accept challenges�& new opportunitiesThere are many reasons why sales people struggle in sales:?������ Lack of proper sales training & closing techniques. Sales training is always an evolving thing. There must be a constant interaction between the sales person and a coach/trainer/sales manager. Otherwise,the sales person does not know why, where and what he is doing wrong.?������ Most Sales people work for money instead of serving others. If money is the purpose of your sales actions, then, your client will see it through your eyes & your body language.?������ Sales people avoid taking responsibility for their own actions. Sales people have a tendency to take shortcuts. So if they are not getting the required sales, they will find excuses and blame everything else except themselves.?������ �Laziness and routine creeps in and they are not prepared to go the extra mile. This is where the value of persistence should be taught.?������ �Lack of goals is an indication of no passion, no purpose.?������ �They have stopped learning & rely on old ineffective habits.One way to solve the above is to work on building your sales based on purpose and passion. Passion will rekindle your old flame of selling. Become passionate and excited about your product or service and let the client see your enthusiasm.Purpose will instill in you a sense of discipline & hard work. If you have a burning desire to succeed in sales, you will achieve it.It is also a good idea to have a measuring yardstick fro sale s people. A salesperson needs to know what level they are at, what target they should aim and what the outcome will be if they achieved their goals.The same idea applies when the sales person is closing the sale. The sales person needs to know where his client is at a given time and once the vision is established, then the outcome is conclusive.Another way is self education. Always keep learning. �Learn closing techniques and apply them.Get yourself a mentor or coach and stay focused on your goals.
Original :: why do sales people struggle for sales
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