I was at an association meeting the other night doing some networking. As I talked with people, it was amazing how inefficient people are in their selling and business development. So I have five stories, each with a lesson that could help you develop business better.As I introduced myself to two ladies, I asked my favorite question. "So ladies, what are your major issues as it relates to business development during this economic down time?""Pricing - my customers are selecting only the low prices," said the one lady. "Me too," chimed in the other. "And one even told me the price I have to get to."Now since I can't keep my selling tips to myself, I offered these two suggestions:1. Relatioships at high level are the key. Either these people will make it so that your higher price is accepted because they can depend on your work or they will tell you what price you have to come in at - ala the second lady.So instead of spending all your time putting together a proposal with limited information from a spec writer, engineer, purchasing agent or administrator, use your time to network to the key decision makers to learn what's important to them and show them how you can give it to them for this project.2. Prices are usually too high because you've included too much of what key decision makers are unwilling to pay for. So the key is to know what the influential and top people really want and what they are willing to take less of or forego.a. Everyone is going to say, "Well, I want it all." So you have to say, "I understand, but what's really important? What's the deal buster or maker? What will really be your deciding factors?" "What are you willing to pay extra for?" You'll have to push a little here, but it's OK. However, this has to be done with the person / people that have the power.b. So the first lady says to me somewhere along in the conversation, "They should select us because we are giving them more." To which I said, "So what. If they wanted more, they would have asked for it. Besides, that 'more' is causing your price to be higher.Now just in case you didn't get the moral of this story, here is the summary. Get to the leaders - the chief decision makers. They can help get the job even if your price is higher, but within range. Otherwise, they can tell you what to do, what to eliminate or minimize to get your price in line.And now I invite you to learn more.Bonus Tip: If getting to these leaders is an issue for you or your people, here is a FREE E-Book "Getting Past Gatekeepers and Handling Blockers". Just click this C-Level Relationship Selling Link. Sam Manfer makes it easy for any sales person to be effective and feel comfortable connecting with and relationship selling C-Level leaders
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