Do you have leads, but are unable to convert them into income-generating customers? Are you unable to talk to your prospects and convince them to buy because you are shy, or do you try but come off as too pushy? Do you just not know what to say? Follow these tips to improve your conversion rates and turn a "maybe" into a "yes!"1 - Forget the Pressure and Have Fun!Are you going into conversations with the mentality that "if this person doesn't buy, I'll never succeed?" If you are, then most likely the person you are talking to will feel that you are needy. Instead, go into the conversation with the mindset that this person is trying to qualify for your business. Enjoy the conversation, takcontrol, and allow the other person to try and sell themselves to you. If your business is online, then you will be getting many leads per day anyway. If one person doesn't bite, there are 20 or 40 others that will!2 - Practice, Practice, Practice!When you find yourself in a new or unfamiliar environment, practice starting conversations with people. I personally like to practice when I travel (i.e., at an airport), because I know I will never see the person again, and will not have to worry about being embarrassed. Smile, strike up a conversation, ask some questions, and try to show the stranger you are talking to how your business could help them fill in the gaps in their life. If a conversation is going downhill, and you start feeling like a big dummy, say so! When you state your stupidity, people begin to feel more comfortable with you - and even to trust you!3 - Don't Puke.We're not talking about motion sickness here. When you start throwing up information, people stop listening. Don't try and give your sales pitch to people or tell them how much you love your business. Let people tell you what they need, and then explain briefly how your business can help them with it. If they continue to ask questions, tell them they will need to qualify for your business, and point them in the direction of your website. Tell them you'll give them a call back after they've had a chance to go through all the information and apply.4 - Feel Resistance? Back Off!If you feel resistance, back off. Way off. Here's one thing you could say: "OK, seems like I haven't caught your interest, and this conversation is over." Then, pause. Stop talking for as long as it takes the other person to respond. What you are doing here is putting the ball back in their court. It puts pressure on them to keep the conversation going. Nine times out of ten, they will come back with, "No, wait!" At that point, you can ask them to tell you what's to keep you in the conversation. They'll sell themselves.5 - Get Your Business Online and Use Web 2.0 Strategies.If speaking just seems daunting, the best thing for you may be to get your business online and use Web 2.0 strategies to market it. With Web 2.0, people contact you after they have read about you and seen who you are. They want to work with you, which puts you in a position of power. Instead of trying to sell, you end up trying to qualify whether you really want to work with the person who called you. Sometimes, people will buy from you without a single conversation because they like what they see!If you follow these five steps, you should be able to increase your conversion rate and generate more income.
Original :: top 5 ways to close sales and convert
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